Those injured by the vaccine should seek violent revenge. It is time.

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So this differs than those with the genetic defect that causes antiphospholipid syndrome? My husband has a familial history antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. He only has 1 gener. His uncle have two. His uncle has had a couple of strokes. His uncle has the vax and his blood work has been all off since then. Thankfully my husband said blot clots when I had an increased risk of clotting?! No thanks, I'll take my chances on covid.

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All vaccines and mRNA poisons (which are NOT vaccines) can cause irreparable damage to the body. There is no solid, verifiable, legitimate, certified or historical proof or validation that vaccines work any better than avoiding them altogether. Your doctor is brainwashed and so poor that he needs to push vaccines upon every patient for which big pharma provides a nice monetary bonus.

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I am rereading this post about studies stating the vax caused antiphospholipid antibodies. But do the studies state if they tested the patients for the genetic defects and so it wasn't a syndrome caused, other than that the patient didn't know they had the gene...until they got blood clots? This is what happened to a family member many years ago. Family history of blood clots causing strokes, genetic tests positive for the genes. So I am curious if these patients had the genes and didn't know, until they got a blood clot from the vax? That is different than the vax causing the syndrome. I am not advocating for this vax, but it is like which came first, the chicken or the egg.

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This is an excellent question, KTonCapeCod. To my knowledge, genetic testing was not done -- at least I do not see indications of such in the scientific papers. I will keep looking and also ask some people I know who are actively researching and writing about this issue, including Dr. Eduardo Balbona.

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> All vaccines and mRNA poisons (which are NOT vaccines)

REPLY: So true. mRNA are gene therapy injections.

Historically gene therapy injections have a troubling track record. Rush to market (not really a rush as these forms of poisons were ready to go some years before the roll out of WARP Speed). Why?

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