May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Like the comment from your reader, Beth, I too am an RN who used to buy into the "science" that all vaccines were safe. I shook my head and rolled my eyes at the "anti-vaxxers" and wondered why they would not want to get these miracle vaccines that have eradicated diseases that used to run rampant. I never believed that vaccines could be the cause of chronic health issues like autism, ADHD, childhood diabetes, asthma, autoimmune diseases, etc. It wasn't until in recent years I became more suspicious and hesitant about them, and then the Covid "vaccine" rollout was the last straw for me. That's what really opened my eyes--the endless propaganda, bribing, and outright threats. Forcing an unknown and untested experimental shot on the world. I was suspicious of the Covid shot right from the beginning. It was rolled out too fast without the proper safety testing. I refused it. I was very fortunate to have a good job where myself as the Director of Nursing/Clinical Services and our Executive Director were on the same page. We agreed that we were not going to get it, and we would not force our staff to get it either. Something about it all just didn't set right with either one of us. And I am proud to say, I am now one of those ANTI-VAXXERS!!! I see it as a badge of honor. The more I read, the more I research, the more I see firsthand--the more I don't trust any of it anymore. It's not about our health, it's about MONEY!! Vaccines create lifelong patients. They make us sick with vaccines, and then get to prescribe us the toxic drugs to treat the diseases and side effects they created. No more. I've gone all natural, secured a naturopathic/holistic doctor, and will never again take any kind of vaccine.

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Kelly. Your experience gives me hope that we can create a better, healthier future for our children.

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

The one thing Covid did was finally expose the lazy sleeping giant. I’ve known for years before Covid that most doctors in the medical community were blindly and lazily following narratives by medical institutions and big pharma, and trusting them over their own analytical minds or gut instincts, and they were fearful of not being part of the club. They had developed an arrogance and defensiveness to it all.

They became experts in the narratives, not in the actual diseases.

I had serious health problems that were not being properly diagnosed or treated due to outdated/inaccurate diagnostic criteria that had never changed over 40 years due to ego, fear of lawsuits, and the push of big pharma’s desires. I finally did my own research into my symptoms and it ended up saving my life.

I discovered the nutritional advice they push is deadly to us at a cellular level and slowly wreaks havoc on our organs. I learned that the true diagnostic criteria for hyperparathyroidism is being ignored and they are allowing hundreds of thousands of individuals to die too early without proper diagnosis while living a horrible quality of life because of it decades before dying. I learned that statins are a Big Pharma scam that are only necessary for maybe 1% of those prescribed it, and it robs the rest of them the healthy benefits of what LDL really does within our bodies, instead leaving them exposed to prolonged symptoms that otherwise would have been healed more quickly by the presence of enough LDL. I learned that omeprazole taken longer than 6 months WILL lead to a very severe case of osteoporosis at a younger age than normal.

I went from dying early with the help of their neglect and unnecessary medicine to having the energy of my youth and health like I haven’t had in over 30 years. I had three very large parathyroid tumors removed that they left inside me for years rather than investigate my symptoms properly. I had been told by a GI that taking omeprazole for over 12 years was ok if I drank it with orange juice! Unbelievable. I sit here in my 50s with a -3.7 T score usually only seen in 80 year olds. I changed my diet to zero sugar, no processed/prepackaged foods, and only whole ingredients and after two years I have healed my body internally and regained energy I haven’t had since my 20s, yet 30 years of following the nutritional advice of doctors and nutritionists had been making me sicker and sicker. I got healing as early as four months into my new way of eating!

I was dismayed to see how easily doctors rushed and ignored true data, ignored inappropriately reported blood test results without considering age, and didn’t question or closely analyze the data supporting the nonsense they follow. I was disregarded every time I tried to talk academically about my research and was belittled as not being able to understand since I didn’t go to medical school.

They say there is an epidemic of narcissism these days. I see it the most in the medical community and it is hurting innocent people.

Covid shined a light on all of this in a way nothing else could have. It’s so sad that it took something this horrific to wake up what few doctors it has. I hope more start to realize the damage their complacency is causing.

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RemovedJun 1
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This is the only thing your account posts all over these Substacks. Maybe you should try to be a part of the discussions in a more meaningful way to others, like actually converse, instead of repeating a single propaganda link. I’m not saying one way or the other the legitimacy of your link, that isn’t the point I’m making. My point is your account is just a spamming account and that’s never helpful.

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Welcome to the club! Proud anti-vaxxer here and healthy pureblood!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Not many original organic humans on this planet, Jennifer. You are part of the elite!

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Me too!

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I'm serious about the fact that I could teach my Doctor more about health ,than he can teach me . Most of the bottles and boxes in the pharmacy contain harmful material .

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hi Kelly. Since late 1980's I have been looking for evidence of HIV but still waiting and looking. Interesting that a Fauci was involved in that scam too. Go look for a film 'The Viral Delusion' and see just how much of a scam it all is.

Health care will have to be completely rethought and people like you will be invaluable to this process. Sceptism is the natural position to take in science, and in medicine., questioning everything IS science. Its why we have a brain, to question, even ourselves at times, and to learn.

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"... that have eradicated diseases that used to run rampant. "

Have you or anyone suffering from this DELUSION looked up ANYTHING not provided by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN/MAKE BELIEVE/MONEY/LIES/HALF-TRUTHS .... let alone a statistical chart about "diseases" OVER the past 150 years.

Looking at one's own belly button doesn't inform you or anybody else about the woods in front of you or anybody else.



Dr. Stefan Lanka

Dr. Thomas Cowan

Drs. Bailey (Sam & Mark)

The End of Germ Theory

Just to name a few!

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May 28·edited May 28

One Existence: I'm afraid you missed the point of Kelly's post. Kelly was using sarcasm to help convey the idea that vaccines do not eradicate disease; rather, they make us sick and create lifelong patients from whom the purveyors of these toxins can make even more money by selling them other toxic drugs to fix problems they caused.

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And one more thing: Have you read my comment thoroughly as it refers to a very important fact, that you and all those that liked your comment apparently missed - which doesn't surprise me at all. As reading comprehension has been declining for decades or closer to the truth never existed. USEFUL IDIOTS is all what THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN needs. But this shouldn't be my concern anymore.


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May 28·edited May 28

That's fine with me if this is what you have taken home from this. Citing "studies" being carried out by disciples of the same faction of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN/MAKE BELIEVE/LIES/MONEY/HALF-TRUTHS that has been OBFUSCATING/LYING FOR MILLENNIA ... you have clearly proven beyond any reasonable doubt - of course to a SANE mind only - that you have a LOOOONG way ahead of you.

And don't get me wrong, I don't expect anyone to leap out of his window based on ANY information, let alone my babbling here on ss. I know what journey I have traveled and I can assure ANYONE reading this ... it is a HELL of a ride and only those having FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST will make it. All else doesn't matter! But you can only "see" this in hindsight, which is why you have to have FAITH in THE FIRST PLACE!

And my signposts are only that, signposts not the destination. Which in itself as well as the latter are beyond COMPREHENSION!


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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

They have not cared about our health or lives since at least the 1950's and the polio scare. Or even back to the early 1900's when medicine sold out to the AMA. Or even going back 200 years when the first rush to use vaccines ensued for small pox.

There is absolutely no proof in any worldly dimension that vaccines are better than no vaccines. And extremely thin proof that drugs are helpful overall to the health of your body.

If you think big pharma is going to mend its ways, you are quite mistaken. Get rid of the 1986 vaccine laws all together, and then we can go from there. Until that happens, your good health and life are on the line and that of your child's when you take any vaccine or mRNA poison.

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Yes. So true (and also so sad). Thanks for saying this so eloquently.

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May 24Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Yes. I can relate to the doctor who will not speak out, but I will and I do speak out. I own my practice and I do not bill insurance. If the medical board comes for my license, so be it. I'd rather be truthful than be a doctor. I'll find something else to do.

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Thank you so much Dr. Rutherford. The world needs many more doctors like you. Huge gratitude.

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May 27Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Dr. Molly....thank you for being honest. All it would have taken in the early days of this fiasco is for drs to have done some critical thinking and research like so many of us non professionals did. The crime would have been stopped in it's tracks.

I have little regard for those drs who did not use their brains . It's good this one has "seen the light " but now his practice can remain lucrative while he " cares " for those he injured. No wonder he doesn't want to come out of the woodwork.


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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

This is why echo chambers (including the largest one of them all - 'mainstream') are so dangerous. This is why listening to points of view not your own is so important. This is why teaching people critical thinking is so important. This is why understanding what the Scientific Method is and how it works is so important.

If this doctor friend, along with all the other mainstream echo chamber captured doctors, had used critical thinking, had remained open minded, had a balanced sense of scepticism, had examined the 'science' with a critical eye and understanding of true scientific method, he would have understood long ago, as we 'antivaxxers' have, that science is never settled and the pharmaceutical industry is massively corrupt and cannot be trusted.

It's a shame so many health care workers lack these basic fundamental skills. It's a shame western society at large lacks these basic fundamental skills. So much suffering would be avoided if people learnt basic critical thinking and learned that you can safely listen to and examine other opinions, other research, other perspectives without it being an attack on you personally.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

It ALL begins in the home.

We MUST allow children to "talk back" when they are little, and gradually teach them how to do it respectfully by BEING respectful of and listening compassionately to their immature ways of expressing themselves, instead of punishing them for disagreeing with us.

In fact, NOTHING is going to change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years and we must remember that the human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's...

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

EXCELLENT comment!

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May 28·edited May 28

Your comment, no matter how passionate and educated it may sound, misses the point completely - as it entails some truth mixed up with "compassionate" lies.


I will leave it at that.


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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

We’re getting there sadly bc of this horrific covid plandemic!

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

When the ACOG still recommends the genetic jab to pregnant women and pediatricians tell moms and dads “ find a new doctor “, when you refuse to comply with the vaccine schedule…. There is a BIG problem.

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May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Thank you for bringing this out. It takes a lot for someone to change their mind, but when the evidence becomes overwhelming, anyone who is intellectually honest will take a whole new look at whatever they had previously thought was correct. But it's very sad that so many professionals fear for their jobs if they speak out.

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Thanks for taking the time to read it, Al. It really does take A LOT to change someone's mind, especially when Big Business is doing everything it can to keep people in the dark.

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May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

The best teacher is usually your own personal experience. In 2019 they had a small problem. Now 30% of the 70% that took the shot had a serious AE. Now they have a much bigger problem.

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Yes. Good point.

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So is 70% a pretty accurate estimate of those who were jabbed? I find it hard to believe that a full 30% refused from the beginning...judging by personal friends and acquaintances. And most of the expats we run into here in central Mexico are from Canada and got jabbed and boosted so they could travel. Many regret it.

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Based on your email i guess you travel alot. You observed that travelers had a higher uptake of the jab. I traveled for work and did not take a shot so yes i had to stand in lines and show negative result and the pain of a flawed PCR test to get back into the US. Many of the sales people did take the jab because they travel so i agree if travel was something you did the inconvenience weighed into peoples decision making. But the data is pretty clear on the uptick of all cause death after the mandate/OSHA bullshit that Biden knew was illegal but did it anyway. People taht were not going to get it were being forced by their employers to get one. I was approach by 3 of my fellow workers who i helped with their religious exemption letter. My company gave a $500 extra incentive if we reached 90 % jabbed to your favorite charity. I gave them my letter of religious exemption, and was subjected to 2 weekly PCR tests. Granted i gave them antibody tests a few times because the delay after the mandate you had to wait a week to get an appointment and the turn around in results was over 5 days. The test was useless and the results were after you had worked a full week. Also they didn't know the difference between and antigen and an antibody.

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May 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

zero liability made it a non-starter. no other reason needed.

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I agree.

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May 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

"It’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause of these problems and the mechanisms by which they are happening."

Your doctor friend needs to read "The needle's secret" by Marc Girardot (also has a substack) - which explains the mechanism of all vaccine injuries as the result of damage to endothelial cells from your own T-cells attacking them post-transfection from a bolus of vaccine that can go intravascular 5-8% of the time without aspiration, and ~2% of the time even with aspiration, and this injection damage may not just be limited to Covid jabs as many of the adverse events are similar between jabs indicating one mechanism to explain them all. His theory can explain all of the adverse events from blood clots, thromboses, strokes, to the weird white clots, neurodegeneration, diabetes, turbo cancer, POTS, weird taste after injection, etc. etc. It is basic physics of forcing a fluid into the muscle - which is run through with veins, arteries, arterioles and venules - and the needle is likely to pierce several on its way in. The vaccine liquid takes the easiest path when injected under pressure especially when done quickly like it always is and without aspiration as was the case for Covid in the US - thus some of it ends up in your intravascular system and the more, the greater the damage. He explains it better than I can.

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May 24Liked by Jennifer Margulis

If you look at the VAERS graph since 1990, the line for adverse reactions across all vaccines is horizontal until you reach 2021.What happened in 2021? Covid injections were becoming widespread and the adverse reaction line goes vertical.

Based upon this simple observation, my deduction would be the contents of the vaccine does matter much more than explained by Girardot’s Bolus Theory.

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

The horizontal line for adverse reactions from 1990-2021 could be explained by the fact that the majority of the population was not being vaccinated at the same time and, because they saw fewer patients with diverse adverse reactions, the Doctors did not connect the dots.

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You are gaslighting with this comment. Researchers have shown that the years of the covid vaccine reports have far exceeded all prior cumulative vaccine reports for all vaccines to Vaers. I think it was Mccullough who said the numbers thing is wrong also as many millions of people received just the flu vaccine each year. Covid shots are weapons of mass destruction, it is time we start facing the truth, it was deliberate and wasnt about money, they had more then enough schemes going. This is different, what could be the goal of using weapons of mass destruction on the global population? "Mistakes were not made".

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Thanks for this recommendation.

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May 25·edited May 25Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Yes, the Covid debacle was awful, but it had a number of silver linings, the main one being that it shined a light on the vaccine myth. I personally think the Covid failures were the first significant shot across the bow in dismantling allopathic medicine, a system that tolerates and causes an inordinate amount of harm and focuses more on treatments than cures. Vaccines have been the Crown Jewel of modern medicine, touted as a “silver bullet cure” with no downsides. Thanks to Covid, that myth is starting to unravel, and vaccines are being revealed as the dangerous, immunity-harming substances they really are. Like me, more and people are realizing that vaccines have always caused serious harms and deaths, while doing little to stop the diseases they were intended for. When this Crown Jewel starts to topple, it will have a ripple effect on other aspects of the allopathic paradigm, and many things that people thought were true will start to be questioned (i.e., that chemical medicines are good for the human body, that side effects are normal, that health comes in a pill, that it’s okay for some people to be harmed by a medicine if others can be helped by it, that diseases must be treated in perpetuity because cures are elusive, etc.). Paradigms don't change overnight, and changing this approach to health care will take time, but the die has been cast, and the medical system as we know it will never be the same. The crumbling has already begun. Let's hope for a more individualized, simpler, non-toxic, less harsh, less expensive, cure-focused approach to health in the future.

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May 25Liked by Jennifer Margulis

You are extremely optimistic that this is only about money Jennifer.

There is that much information available on the depopulation agenda, and considering the last few years, what would they be doing differently if a depopulation agenda was intended?

In Australia, a leading fertility specialist had his cohort of that ordinarily had 17% miscarriage rate, increase to 74% post convid injection. He was not going to take the injection with these figures and had his position removed. Dr Luke Mclindon. All cause mortality figures have been reported as a 17% increase on average rates, and that murders in nursing homes and hospitals.? Fertility rates at a certain stage had a staggering reduction of 64% !!!!

Jennifer, the people like Michael Yeadon getting serious about the realities of the situation we find ourselves, give me hope in this sense, if we truly dont know where we are at, how will we know the appropriate steps in the right direction?

The Kissinger report suggested the depopulation was urgent according to his groomers at that point in the 70s. Using trauma based coercion and inverting reality with all manner of doublespeak, is the modus operandi of those assuming authority over the susceptible.

It has been insentivised murder, but it is still murder - even if they were just following orders.

The ten steps of genocide are still on rotation.

Brian Mitchel -

"EPIDEMICS" - So Human & Pious...

Dennis Meadows, one of the original members of the Club of Rome & co-author of 'Limits to Growth' (1972) speaking openly about how the population must be reduced to 1-2 billion & mentions epidemics as a possibility.

He hopes....it can be done slowly and can be done in a way that everyone can "share" in the experience...

Relatively equally...

(Perhaps A Lottery System)...

He is pessimistic that it could be done this nicely...

It's the god-complex that THEY and only THEY can solve these problems for us "peasants"

This "elite" wants a global scale Jonestown event so that some select 1/8th of us can have the planet? This is so twisted. Billionaires and elites who want to get rid of the rest of us.

This video is a good example of what they want.


The Limits to Growth

Published 1972 –

The message of this book still holds today:

The earth’s interlocking resources – the global system of nature in which we all live – probably cannot support present rates of economic and population growth much beyond the year 2100, if that long, even with advanced technology. In the summer of 1970, an international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology began a study of the implications of continued worldwide growth.

They examined the five basic factors that determine and, in their interactions, ultimately limit growth on this planet-population increase, agricultural production, nonrenewable resource depletion, industrial output, and pollution generation. The MIT team fed data on these five factors into a global computer model and then tested the behavior of the model under several sets of assumptions to determine alternative patterns for mankind’s future.

The Limits to Growth is the nontechnical report of their findings. The book contains a message of hope, as well: Man can create a society in which he can live indefinitely on earth if he imposes limits on himself and his production of material goods to achieve a state of global equilibrium with population and production in carefully selected balance.



Dennis Meadows Interview Part 1/4 (The Limits to Growth, Climate Change, Population Growth)

Video 11 mins 34 secs

DENNIS MEADOWS, full interview about the State of our Planet, 45 years after ‘The Limits to Growth’ – arguably the most influential book about sustainability ever written.

We feel very privileged that we were in the position to pick his exceptionally sharp mind and we really think this is a must-watch interview for anyone who’s working on climate & sustainability!

In this first part of the interview (part 1 of 4) we talk about the main message of The Limits to Growth, and if these forecasts still hold true today. We also talk about climate change – and population growth. Yes, that’s four very interesting topics already!

Dennis Meadows visited the Netherlands a couple of months ago on invitation by the Club of Rome Dutch Association. He is an American scientist and together with his spouse Donella Meadows (who sadly deceased in 2001) is part of the original group of four authors who published the first edition of ‘The Limits to Growth’ in 1972 – a book that really quite literally shook the world and that was hugely influential in the rise of the global environmental movement (leading for instance to the formation of a large number of today well-known environmental NGOs within 2 or 3 years).



Dennis Meadows Interview Part 2/4 (Science & Heart to Heart Communication)

Video 11 mins 23 secs



Dennis Meadows Interview Part 3/4 (Economics, Globalization, Responsibilities, Personal Fear)

Video 9 mins 23 secs



Dennis Meadows Interview Part 4/4 (A 'peaceful collapse' & many revolutions...)

Video 10 mins 31 secs


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It's always been about eugenics, which makes it far worse and even more hard to believe for regular folks. Money is just the grease for the machinery: doctors, academics, media, politicians, you name it.

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🎯 Insentivised population control / premeditated murder

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Did you see? Vonderleyan was being criminally charged in Belgium? Daszek will be dis-barred? Imcredibly, I watched the serious Belgian attorneys' long press conference in a link from fb!

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I have had the exact same observation and been so buoyed! I had long ago given up hope that many people would ever examine the truth about vaccines. This is one of the rare subjects where it had been extremely hard to have data at your fingertips - but no longer, thanks to all the professionals and reporters who have finally turned their attention to the facts on this issue. (I had an enlightened naturopath in the 90s and 2000's while raising my kids and had bought the book Evidence of Harm by David Kirby... but I couldn't be a light for others as this topic was a part of the most deeply entrenched indoctrination of all time.) I am so very, very happy to see this truth more widely known. The dark forces are going down.

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

The Covid nonsense did raise awareness of government fraud and deception in general. The trust of authority has been thoroughly, and deservedly, shattered. Many more things are now on the table: JFK, WMD, 9/11…

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May 28Liked by Jennifer Margulis

My hope is our GPs and Medical professionals will now start to speak out & help us.

The common theme that most of us , the harmed vax injured & bereaved have experienced over the last 3 years has been the most harrowing time ever.

We have been ignored ridiculed accused of being mental unwell shunned and denied any acknowledgement support or any treatment options. We have been deserted by everyone who could help but chose to turn the other way. In private some say they know what is happening but still watch us suffer.

Many of us have lost loved ones . Many have taken their own lives. Many live suffering every day . More people will continue to be affected.

So I pray they SEE us 🙏 and MORE speak up soon ! 🙏

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