If It's "Just An Unfortunate Coincidence," How Do We Explain This?
No one wants vaccines to be anything but safe and effective, but hundreds of thousands of testimonials suggest they're not...
“My totally unvaccinated 12 year old is never sick with anything, and grew up travelling at ground level in developing countries in Latin America. She has never had a fever over 100. Never had an earache even. My vaccinated eldest is on disability in Canada.” ~Amanda Euringer via Facebook
Julie Obradovic saw her older daughter slipping away after ever visit to the pediatrician. But the doctor, a medical professional she liked and trusted, insisted her child’s struggles to hold eye contact and speak clearly was “just an unfortunate coincidence.”
An Unfortunate Coincidence is the title of a beautifully written memoir Obradovic wrote about her experience. When her second daughter started showing evidence of cognitive decline and immune dysfunction after each well baby visit, just like her sister had, Obradovic finally realized it was something that was happening at the well-baby visits themselves that was making her children sick.
The day after Matt Shiel’s daughter Zara went in for a well-baby check up, she was found dead in her crib. “My daughter died suddenly and cruelly within 24 hours of routine vaccines,” Zara’s dad explained in a Facebook post.
These are just three examples of testimonials from parents whose children have been injured by vaccines.
For each of these stories, there are hundreds of thousands of other parents, like Susie and this mom, who have lived through something similar.
“But correlation doesn’t equal causation! It’s just an unfortunate coincidence.”
We’ve all heard someone say this. Maybe a doctor, a school nurse, an educator, a friend, or a relative.
Parents of vaccine-injured children are dismissed as hysterical, wrongheaded, or uneducated. They are shamed and shunned. They’re targeted with hate on social media. People hold up angry signs telling them to “vaccinate your fucking kids.”
Yet when families with vaccine-injured children like Amanda’s choose to do things differently with younger siblings, their subsequent children are almost always healthier.
There’s a concept in ethics called the precautionary principle.
Decision-makers use the precautionary principle to take action to protect the environment, public safety, and public health. The idea, in a nutshell, is that the burden of proof of safety must be on the innovation or intervention itself. We cannot assume that something new is safe until it has been shown to cause harm. Instead, the inventors of the new technology must show that it’s safe before it is adopted for widespread use.
While individual vaccines are safety tested, the precautionary principle has never been applied to the entire childhood vaccine schedule.
At the same time, we have hundreds of thousands of testimonials from parents—the people who know their children best and who followed the rules and did what the doctors told them to do—saying that vaccines hurt their kids. And, if you include the growing body of scientific literature about the COVID-19 vaccines, we also have tens of thousands of peer-reviewed scientific papers showing evidence of harm from vaccines.
If all of these testimonials are “just an unfortunate coincidence,” as the mainstream medical establishment would have us believe, how can we explain the better health outcomes among unvaccinated children compared to children who have been fully vaccinated?
I’ve been accused of being a baby killer for recommending certain vaccines. I’ve been accused of being a filthy b**ch for making judicious choices about vaccines for my own children and supporting parents who choose not to vaccinate or want to space out vaccines. A few years ago I was honored injected with a dose of hate from the establishment, accused of being a “rising star in the anti-vaccine movement.”
Dear Substack community, I’d like to hear what you think about vaccine safety, efficacy, and necessity. I know this is an emotionally charged topic. Be kind.
About the author: Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is a rising star award-winning science journalist. Her work has been published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and on the cover of Smithsonian magazine.
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“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
Psalms 139:14
Jennifer - after having gotten two Covid shots and then realizing the horrible mistake I’d made (6 months later), I have completely immersed myself in this subject. (Note I am the author of the stack, “Clotastrophe”)
Covid was a gift. It awakened many to the entire scam of vaccination. I’ve made it my mission to awaken more.
Thanks for this post! Imagine if schools od doctors vaccinated children without (or against) parental consent. That is what happened to my clients in Vermont: we are headed to the US Supreme Court! Their story is here: https://givebutter.com/j1vdDO