“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
Psalms 139:14
Jennifer - after having gotten two Covid shots and then realizing the horrible mistake I’d made (6 months later), I have completely immersed myself in this subject. (Note I am the author of the stack, “Clotastrophe”)
Covid was a gift. It awakened many to the entire scam of vaccination. I’ve made it my mission to awaken more.
And if they will scam on vaccines, what else is a scam? Climate change? Transgenderism? Open borders? The loss of trust in government over vaccines extends now to every aspect of this government. In Vermont, the Governor paid cash "awards" to public schools that achieved high vaccination rates!! Public school hesitancy is understandable....
The bribery was unbelievable, John, in every state (and many countries around the world). The most egregious was the brothel in Austria that gave Johns free sex if they got the vaccine. (You can't make this stuff up). You may be able to cite some of the nationwide corruption when you go to the Supreme Court: https://jennifermargulis.substack.com/p/people-were-bribed-to-take-covid
Thanks for this post! Imagine if schools od doctors vaccinated children without (or against) parental consent. That is what happened to my clients in Vermont: we are headed to the US Supreme Court! Their story is here: https://givebutter.com/j1vdDO
I hope you win your case. Precedence must be established.
I’m extremely alarmed as I watch children removed from their home, parents losing custody because they refuse to inject their children and schools or doctors vaccinating without parental consent. The risk of injury and/or death is real.
Another problem that is goi g to increase is the vaccination stance of each parent being considered in custody cases. Judges default to "vaccination is in the best interest of the child," when in reality, if parents disagree about medical issues, the default should be abstaining from any medical intervention.
It’s heartbreaking that millions of children are injured or deceased because parents trusted allopathic medical personnel or the “science”.
Ten years ago I began to research:
The Tuskegee Experiment in which the US government, from 1932 to 1972, promised 400 indigent Black men free medical care and instead injected/infected them with syphilis under the guise of a vaccine program, then denied them medical care in order to study the progression of the disease.
The Cutter Incident in which the Salk polio vaccine produced by Cutter Labs proved extremely dangerous and lethal to tens of thousands of American children. Jonas Salk, inventor of the Salk polio vaccine, admitted that the vaccine increased polio. Jonas Salk is a eugenicist.
SV-40 (simian virus 40) derived from the kidneys of rhesus monkeys contaminated polio vaccines in the 50s and early 60s causing cancer. Side note: Polio isn’t a poliovirus or enterovirus. That’s CDC lie/cover-up. Polio is neurological damage from chemical exposure, i.e. DDT, Paris Green, etc. In the 40s and 50s healthcare professionals sprayed DDT directly on the public, including babies and children, in swimming pools, fruit orchards, etc. in an attempt to inhibit the insects/mosquitoes thought to carry the disease, instead polio increased exponentially.
The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic originated with a Rockefeller-based experimental vaccine program of the enlisted at Fort Riley, KS. It wasn’t Spanish and it wasn’t flu; it was bacterial pneumonia in the injections. This is an early example of vaccine injury/death and government cover-up. Government lied; millions died. Bill Gates’ grandfather Dr. Frederick L. Gates was a participant in the experiment. He was also a eugenicist. Masks were mandated then as well which increased deaths (petri dish on the face; hypoxia; hypercapnia; etc.). Fauci knew; he co-authored a paper on masks in the 1980’s.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s not coincidence that the rate of ASD, SIDS, seizure disorders, cancer and childhood cancers, autoimmune disorders, gender dysmorphia, etc. including childhood death, have ALL increased dramatically at the same dramatic rate as the vaccine schedule recommended by the corrupt CDC (owns and profits from at least 50-70 vaccine patents/huge conflict of interest) in the last thirty years. Both ASD and SIDS were near non-existent before the widespread inception of vaccines. SADS is the adult SIDS counterpart since the roll-out of the covid “vaccines”. Gardisil, the HPV “vaccine”, is deadly to teens and young adults. The MMR is far more dangerous and lethal to children than the CDC reveals.
Vaccines contain neurotoxins, carcinogens, foreign human DNA (aborted fetal cells), foreign animal DNA, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, thimerosal, etc.
The ingredients in vaccines are so toxic we cannot drink them and so dangerous a small spill is automatic evacuation of the area with Hazmat brought in to clean up. If you spoon fed your child the ingredients in vaccines you would be arrested for child abuse, yet vaccines are somehow magically safe and effective for injection.
In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Congress, under pressure from the criminal pharma/vaccine industry, signed H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act into law, which gives full legal immunity to vaxx manufacturers. And yet, Congress admitted that vaccines are also “unavoidably unsafe”.
Mandatory childhood vaccines are medical tyranny, a violation of informed consent, non-consent without fear of reprisal and government interference in parental rights, but also the precursor to mandatory vaccination for adults. It’s an insidious indoctrination to condition the masses into coerced injections. Mandatory pet vaccines are the same type of conditioning.
I knew from the jump that the covid mRNA nanotech injections were not about health or public safety, but compliance. I was outraged when Biden-Harris issued the mandate of experimental mRNA injections to millions of Americans as a condition of employment, enrollment, entry or travel. I quit a four-year graphic design position because my former employer made injection mandatory.
September 2021, Biden officially declared the unvaccinated an enemy of the state. “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” he said after announcing sweeping “vaccine” mandates. He directly threatened US citizens and incorrectly blamed unvaccinated individuals for the alleged ongoing covid crisis.
ANY mandatory medical procedure, injection, mask (based on health risks), etc. is MEDICAL TYRANNY which violates Informed Consent, non-consent without fear of reprisal and EVERY individual’s sovereign right to bodily autonomy. Where there is risk, there must be choice.
ANY individual, government, corporation, school/university, venue, etc. that mandates these deadly injections as a condition of travel, employment, enrollment, entry, etc. is complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and has blood on their dirty little hands.
Athletes are dropping dead on playing fields. SADS, like its counterpart SIDS, is being normalized. Babies are having heart attacks in utero. Young people and children are having heart attacks and strokes. Insurance companies are reporting that the death rate among 18-64yo has increased by 40% since the injections began. This is unprecedented and should be a concern to all that rolled up their sleeve or were coerced to submit to experimental mRNA injections.
The fact that the insert (not the incomplete information sheet handed out by doctors/pharmacies) for covid “vaccines” was/is “intentionally blank” is a violation of Informed Consent. The FDA and Pfizer request that the data for the experimental injections be sealed for 75 years(!) is further proof of a violation of Informed Consent. Pfizer was court-ordered to release the data and reluctantly released some including 9 pages of tight text containing possible adverse reactions including death. And still, four years since the inception of the injections, the full list of ingredients has -not- been released and in fact is being concealed. This is another instance of a violation of Informed Consent. Not one of the billions injected so far has received Informed Consent. NOT ONE. The long-term health effects are not known. AND, the CDC recently added the covid “vaccines” to its recommended list of childhood vaccines.
Eugenicist Bill Gates “Innovating to Zero” TEDTalk, February 2010:
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent …”
Congrats on doing the extensive research. I started same about 22 yrs ago. What a gift yo have our eyes opened!
If you want to go to the next level, doctors & scientists started digging deeper into the research behind viruses only to discover: there has never been any scientific evidence that viruses exist! Thus, the entire purpose for vax shots is moot.
Dr Samantha Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman & MANY others
This is an xlnt intro video for those new to these revelations:
Why do you say individual vaccines have been tested? I would refer to Aaron Siri’s expertise and RFK Jr’s vaccine safety video to disagree with that. 5 days of observation is not testing. Relying on after licensing monitoring for adverse events and then not monitoring doesn’t work either.
Linda, I agree. Children's vaccines have never been tested against a placebo, just another vaccine. And what was the Court term for them? Unavoidably unsafe I believe? No injection that tampers with our immune can ever be safe. There are many ways to treat symptoms. A climate of fear has been systematically created and pushed on the populous about getting "sick." Therefore paving the way for products that supposedly keep you from getting "sick." Enter vaccination. I know many unvaccinated children. Extremely healthy and vibrant. Why do parents never ask why official studies are never allowed comparing the health of vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated? Why are pediatricians stripped of their medical license when performing these studies within their individual practices? IMO it's long past time for the con game in medical practice concerning many drugs and vaccines to end.
"IMO it's long past time for the con game in medical practice concerning many drugs and vaccines to end." I agree. We need to take the profit motive out of medicine and vaccines and also get the unbelievable number of toxins out of our food, air, soil, and water. The public health messaging should focus on healthy eating, outdoor time, exercise, kindness, meditation, playing in the (non-toxic) mud, and keeping kids screen-free as much as possible. But maybe there's no money or glory (or ego?) in helping people grow organic gardens, making healthy food affordable, and encouraging Americans to walk, bike, and sit quietly in the sun, their feet on the ground, meditating?
In a perfect world what you suggest would be the goal. But it’s fact, not conspiracy theory, there is a Luciferian cabal that rules this world with its depopulation and absolute control over humanity agenda.
Until the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are defeated and disbanded the masses are in danger.
I believe we’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionists dba the UN/WHO/WEF want a NWO which includes one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation, and absolute control over humanity.
The UN, with its library/publishing house Lucis [Lucifer] Trust, is the one world government of the NWO.
We the people are being deliberately poisoned >>air, water, pharmaceuticals, food, etc.
Bird flu is the latest machination that will fear monger the masses into toxic injections, but it’s far more insidious than covid as it’s being utilized to target the food supply as well to orchestrate widespread famine.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
@tswarbrick…when i read “luciferian cabal” i said in my head “you mean zionism”….then i saw you mentioned it below. Zionists are the shadow government, the “deep state”, and the root of much of the darkest evil in this world. The good folks in this movement and fight have yet to acknowledge and recognize this fact. I unfortunately dont have that much hope for what rfk will actually get done because he and trump are zionist owned at the end of the day. If people would really take their blinders off and confront their own indoctrination, they would see that whats happening in Pales tine, (for 76 years and a zionist agenda for over a 100 years) particularly in ga za, they would know its much bigger than that itself, rather its a blue print for the rest of us. Make no mistake, ga za is coming to all of us one day and our government is complicit.
Yes, Trump is definitely Zionist, though I haven’t been as sure about RFK Jr., but he talks about “safe vaccines” which is a type of obfuscation that is possibly him bowing down to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be.
I’ve been extremely concerned as I’ve watched DJT surround himself with WEF; Elon Musk, Linda Thompson (?), Dr. Oz, etc. I’ve seen his hand signals on various occasions. I’m no longer trusting.
I agree that Ga za is coming to all of us one day and world governments are complicit. The Zionists have captured and control this world. :/
Jennifer, the biblical " the love of money is the root of all evil" is what we're experiencing now. Money, prestige, comfort, group think, etc. has infiltrated every institution (including the medical community) in the US...going on for decades now, but a bright light is now shining on all. Truth and goodness always win in the end.
The only answer I can see is the proverbial "be the change you want to see". It won't be perfect (what is?) but it's a start. And it brings you a personal peace that following the dictates of an unhealthy culture cannot.
Linda and AJF, each vaccine that is given in the childhood vaccine schedule has gone through a different level of safety testing with varying results. Some are tested quite thoroughly. Others not thoroughly enough. The government also conducts ongoing safety monitoring of vaccines. It's a biased system and it is not adequate, obviously. But we can't forgot that the first iteration of the rotavirus vaccine was taken off the market not long after it was found to cause a bowel blockage, for example. We also stopped using a live pertussis vaccine after it was shown to cause brain swelling. I'm not disagreeing with Aaron Siri or RFK (or you). The safety testing process is inadequate. But there is a process in place...
Yes, my son was one of the babies to have intussusception of his intestine (bowel blockage) in January of 1999. He had to have emergency surgery…after a week of me telling my pediatrician something was wrong with his “tummy.” I was dismissed and told it was his earache causing him to writhe in pain and roll around on my bed. He was only 9 months old. We were admitted to the hospital at the end of that week, finally, due to dehydration; where after about 16 hours he thankfully spit dried blood up onto my shoulder. It was tested to confirm it was blood and sure enough, then they moved quickly to do an xray to confirm blockage, an unsuccessful barium enema to try to dislodge his intestine, that had turned into itself, and finally surgery to remove 2 inches of his intestine. I still thank the radiologist and surgeon who acted diligently to save his life. Pathology report concluded his intestine was close to breaking. He was our first of 6 children. I questioned my pediatrician and did research, since in my deepest being, I knew an otherwise healthy baby should not be sickly, as he also had lots of ear infections. I kept vaccinating him and 2 more siblings until 2005 when I read an article about the rotavirus causing intussusception and was taken off the market in late 1999. Our youngest 3 children have never been vaccinated, no antibiotics, no Tylenol, no ibuprofen, etc.
To say what we experienced with our first baby, changed us, is definitely an understatement. The experience changed the whole trajectory of my life. My initial research was done before internet accessibility was mainstream, so it was slow going. Once more and more information became available online, I was never going back.
Consequently, my nephew had intussusception later in 1999. Thankfully, my brother called me as he and his wife remembered me describing how my son had writhed in pain. Their son was about 10 months old and acting similarly. I suggested an ER visit stat. They took him in immediately and thankfully his was corrected with an air enema. Two male cousins with same issue within 9 months. “The benefits outweigh the risks” was the mantra my pediatrician continued to tell me each time I took my children in for appts and vaccinations and asked plenty of questions.
Since 2005 it has been an uphill climb going against the tide in regards to finding the right MD when needed, school entry without vaccines, learning to care for acute illnesses on our own, etc. It’s a good thing I am motivated to research and gain knowledge to do what we feel is best for our family.
And yes, our youngest 3 were definitely healthier as infants, toddlers, teenagers, young adults.
All anecdotal, of course, but both my husband and I are college graduates (me with 2 undergraduate and 1 graduate degree) received back in the 1990s and when our state land grant university was still not as woke as it is now. I wrote a research paper or 2 in my graduate work, and had to read a few, lol. So at least my masters degree should qualify me the ability to read and decipher medical research papers.
It has been amazing how many people are now questioning vaccine safety due to Covid. Most of them don’t mention childhood vaccines as that monster is too large for them to want to poke, in my opinion. It is difficult for most people to even start to wonder if what they imposed on their own children was harmful. I get it, it is easier to just pretend you did the right thing than to dig deep and truly understand what is going on. As most of you know, it takes a lot of energy and mental fortitude to go down the rabbit hole.
I am thankful for my journey, it has made me more aware and stronger, even through the exhaustion that the journey brought.
Keep educating yourself. You are the best advocate for you and your loved ones.
Regardless of how thoroughly they were tested initially, the post-market safety surveillance is abysmal. When doctors and other health care providers do not anticipate adverse events, they do not recognize them, therefore they go unreported, which means there appear to be very few adverse events, reinforcing the false belief that the adverse events are very rare.
The fact that Big Pharma doesn't conduct real scientific research when they test vaccines and in the 21st century, these studies do not usually use a real placebo as a control group is strong evidence that Big Pharma does not even want to test for safety of these vaccines.
Such wanton disregard for our infants' and children's health is evidence of "medical child abuse." And the mainstream media is an accomplice in these crimes against nature as the media does all it can to protect one of its largest advertisers.
I love your work. My only issue with your post is the statement - "While individual vaccines are safety tested" . . . The safety testing of vaccines is a fraud. Not one has been tested against a true placebo. I lost my son to the "safe and effective" DPT vaccine. I now believe that all vaccines are dangerous and an attack on the God given sanctity of the human body.
I very much agree, as you write: "I now believe that all vaccines are dangerous and an attack on the God given sanctity of the human body." I didn't always see it this way, however. The catastophe of the covid 19 injections woke me up. I've done my research, I now know about the fraud and mealfeasance. I also have far more respect for the wonder that is the human body's immune system, and for the dangers of arrogance in messing with it.
Regardless of what "safety testing" says, experience of pain is the fastest, surest way to change behavior. Ours came with the flu vaccine, containing thimerosal in 2006 3 yr old well being visit. less then 24 hours after, I believe my son had a stroke, caused by that and the other vaccines he received at the well being visit. We tested for mercury excretion over a battery of high level testing only to find none. He immediately hours later sat on the floor spinning his hair out of he head with his fingers and pulling, began a remarkable obsession with spinning objects. After that none of my four children or myself have had a single vaccine. My 24 yr old decided to get the covid jab to travel easier and has had less then good health since and I am not sure he believes that he is ok but he is not suffering life debilitating injuries that will help convince him he is ok. He is closest to his brother who has severe autism but the "experience" was not his. For those that have had a painful experience and make the connection will become anti-vaxxers. Covid was that painful experience for many. The obfuscation of truth is so obvious to so many that didn't get the "painful experience" that many have become anti-vaxxers based off the broken cookie jar sitting in the middle of the room with the crumbs all over the face of the government. If the data was there to back up the claim that even one vaccine is safe and effective I have never read, heard or had proven that science was done to convince me it is safe and effective.
I'm so sorry for what happened to your son. And heartbroken that your 24-year-old has suffered from poorer health since the COVID vaccine. So many young people, especially men, have died from these mRNA injections.
I have been a vaccine sceptic since the early 2000s when I somehow fell down a vaccine rabbit hole online and then proceeded to read more and more about not just vaccines but the pharmaceutical industry. What an education!!!! I often try to share what I have learned but mostly run into silence, hardened stares and outright belligerence. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a cult member. In the end, at least I can use this knowledge to protect my loved ones and myself from injury.
Wouldn’t it be so telling if people who were vaccine injured all came to the capital for a ‘peaceful demonstration’! Maybe if thousands of people showed up, it would be a great visual for everyone to see!
Those of us who have been fighting to help children not suffer brain and immune damage have been doing this for years. Several hundreds to several thousands -- to tens of thousands in some countries -- show up at these rallies. The visuals are astounding, and heartbreaking. But have yet to move the needle. Big business interests have all the money, power, and (false) prestige on their side. When RFK is approved, things will change rapidly. They haven't yet. But it's not for lack of trying: https://jennifermargulis.net/dangers-of-vaccines-event-times-square/
I have transcribed many videos of rally speeches by the vax injured 2021-2023. Mainstream media pays no attention to these events, but that doesn't mean they aren't happening. I recall watching the Defeat the Mandates rally and seeing the stage at one point filled with vax injured in wheelchairs. Now there's a visual.
Here is just one transcript:
Mona Hasegawa Speaks Out for the Jab Injured at Washington DC Rally
"there's thousands of people that are suffering like myself and a lot of the people in the group are very suicidal right now"
Thank you so much for doing those transcriptions. It sometimes feels like spitting in the ocean but I think things are changing and will continue to improve. A girl can hope.
Thanks for your comment. I think things are changing, too, and I hold the hope that for many people it will be for the better. May your 2025 be joyous and healthy.
I used to hide the completely unvaxxed status of my two kids (now quite healthy 23 and 20). Quit going to any well child visits at about a year old for each. Relative waste of time and stressful. If anyone asks today, I reply that I’m simply an anti-vaxxer. I can’t mince words and justify any part of safety or lack there of, efficacy or lack there of to coddle those who really won’t listen to or respect my fact based choice, and who are unable to look around them and notice how sick people are. The declaration either ends a conversation quickly or starts one with the curious minded.
My son played soccer with a young man who was a year younger than him and amazingly talented. He scored four goals in one competitive game. His dad shouted from the sidelines: "IT'S BECAUSE HE'S COMPLETELY UNVACCINATED!" That was years ago. I was impressed by how loud and proud he was. The other parents--at least some of them--were scandalized. (Which was also kinda fun.)
This might seem a bit pedantic, but I think it is an important point to make.
There is no such thing as 'unvaccinated' just as there is no such thing as 'uncocained' or 'unasbestosed' or 'unheroined'. Instead there are people who remain free of cocaine, asbestos, heroin and vaccines - which is our natural and default state.
I feel it is important to not fall for their terminology, which implies the 'unvaccinated' are suffering from a deficiency of vaccines.
If you want to step it up a notch you can point out to people that virology itself has been utterly debunked, on its own terms, using its own controls. The standard cell culture experiments virologists use to 'prove' viruses have been shown to provide the same proof (cell culture CPE and EM imaging) even when no sample from a sick patient is added to the culture. In other words the very methodology itself (starving and passaging the cell culture) produces a breakdown of the culture, as well as tiny particles which are said to be 'viruses'... all from a completely sterile cell culture.
The whole thing is a fraud. So called 'viruses' are just inert cellular debris and are no more the cause of disease than brick dust is the cause of building collapses. The Virology Control Studies Experiments organised by Jamie Andrews (on substack) have recently repeated these control experiments, and they used the same labs (CRTs) that Big Pharma uses, who were blinded to the objective of the experiments, so nobody can say the experiments were biased.
Virology - and by extension vaccinology - have been well and truly exposed as psuedoscience (and criminal fraud). There is no need to even talk about safety testing or trials or risk/ benefit analysis. Vaccines cannot possibly have any health benefits. They are just poison. They create sickly people who go on to become a cash cow for Big Pharma throughout their sickly lives.
If you want to step it up another notch you can also point out that none of the VIP's and experts who pushed the vax took it themselves. The CDC, FDA, White House, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna etc were al exempt from the mandates. Pfizer CEO Bourla said he didn’t want to jump the line and his type was not recommended to get it anyway. Gates’ family doctor from the 1990’s said he refused to vaccinate his own children saying they didn’t need any shots. Tedros said he didn’t get the covid shot out of solidarity with Africa. Fauci did get the shot at a press conference, but the next day when he was describing the soreness he felt at the injection site he patted the wrong arm!
So if you think about it the anti-vaxxers are actually society's true conformists (audience gasps in shock!). The vax-o-holics are society's actual mavericks, outsiders, dissidents and dirty drug users. I feel that this realisation may be key to getting the vaxxed to snap out of their trance, and only then will they be open to looking at the (actual) science.
For the general population (the TV watchers) 99% of their motivation to get the covid vax (or any other vax) was social conformity - but if the 'experts' won't touch it with a barge pole, then even this reason is exposed as a fraud.
I appreciate your point about the word "unvaccinated." It rings very true to me. The intact movement--people who oppose routine infant circumcision--point this out about the word "uncircumcised." An uncircumcised penis is an INTACT penis, or simply a penis. It is the penis that is missing the foreskin that is the one lacking, not the one which was not subjected to a very painful procedure without its owner's knowledge or consent.
Thank you for the rest of this comment as well. All good points to consider.
In answer to your question, I think "vaccines" are not "safe", "effective", or indeed "neccessary".
Since becoming aware that no "virus" has ever been isolated, and in fact "virology" is a pseudoscience, I now would never take, or recommend a "vaccine" to anyone ever again. Sadly, all my children were vaccinated, (as I was) because like so many others, I was socially conditioned to believe that viruses exist. Through movies, novels, "news", old wives tales, the narrative was reinforced time and time again.
The programming was so strong, I initially rejected the idea but looked into when Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey started talking about it. After viewing their evidence why virology is a lie, (and others like Mike Stone, Dr. Tom Cowan, etc), I could not disagree with them. The virologists have not proven the existence of a single virus. Considering how much public money is spent every year, globally on what is essentially “snake oil”, to combat “viruses”, culminating in the blatant medical fascism attempted with covid - this is a very important issue.
It’s more than just facts and figures though, how do you think humanity, (or any animal/vegetable) would have survive all the millenia past being attacked by these elusive viruses, before the pharmaceutical companies and their ‘scientists’ came to save us all?
Many allegedly anti-vaccine campaigners (RFK Jr, for one) know this, but claim that the issue is a 'distraction' or that 'people will think your crazy and shut off', but I disagree. If an ordinary person like me can “get it”, why shouldn’t anyone else.
Once the majority of us are aware of this, so many other issues and problems that flow directly from the big "virus" lie, will dissipate, like a bad smell on a fresh breeze. Then perhaps people will take more personal responsibility for their own health.
Thank you for sharing this point of view, Janey. Is there a link to an article you could share that lays out the arguments against virology for someone wanting to educate herself about this debate?
Yes Jennifer, absolutely. Actually, here are links to Sam Bailey's 2 part video series, "Unmasking the Viral Paradigm", and Mark Bailey's, "A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition). This has been accessed over 284,000 times since publication, and is yet to be refuted.
Sam literally has an entire playlist refuting various "viruses", if you want to look further into her work. She is very open to communication should you wish to discuss with her and Mark, I'm sure.
Jennifer, Is there some kind of list akin to the Great Barrington Declaration regarding vaccines? Something that a list of Doctors, scientists, lawyers etc. can sign so people can see that vaccine safety concerns are not as fringe as people think.
Additionally is there a list of parents who believe their child to have regressed after vaccination? With or without testimonials?
I am just curious because to a skeptic how do I cite that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have these stories? I believe there are, but how do I prove it.
Yes. There are lists. There used to be two very thorough ones on the internet for families looking for vaccine choice doctors. Both were taken down last time I looked, however, and my bad eyesight won't allow me to surf to find them again. One was Naturally Nicole's list of vaccine-friendly doctors and the other was a list hosted by Dr. Bob Sears, M.D. One of the best places for a vast amount of information is a nonprofit called vaccine papers. Here's the link: http://vaccinepapers.org. Larry Cook compiled hundreds, if not thousands of stories, at Stop Mandatory Vaccination, but I think his site, too, has been sunsetted? You can read hundreds more at the Vaccine Reaction, a publication of the National Vaccine Information Center's website; and dozens more at Children's Health Defense's main site. Health Impact News has also compiled thousands over the years and I know they are still publishing them. In addition, I would hand any skeptic who is willing/interested in reading science a copy of Neil Z. Miller's book (here's a referred link: https://amzn.to/3ZNs1yM). He's got a follow-up updated book which includes COVID vaccine studies coming out, hopefully soon. Is this enough to get you started?
In case it's helpful here is a 7 part video series which goes through all the commonly stated reasons to get vaccinated (covid as well as regular vaccines). Each reason is a chapter which compares that reason to real world experiences, hard evidence and common sense.
It's primarily aimed at 'TV watchers' who have never encountered information outside of the approved mainstream narrative. I've tried to avoid appeals to authority, as well as appeals to conspiracy. It also has a heavy focus on the psychology and how gaslighting and herd mentality are used to gain compliance.
I wish I had it to do over again(differently). I would NOT have vaccinated my kids on the CDC schedule. I have come to believe that vaccines have been made to deliberately make us ill and/or sterile. It may have started out as a way to keep us healthy but has since been corrupted by big pharma.
My two grandsons are engaged and will be married this next year. It terrifies me that their babies will most likely be vaxed from birth. When they were quite young and living at home i discovered for myself the trouble with vaccines.
I immediately tried to warn my daughter but was met with indifference. When i made comments to the kids i was forbidden to say the word in their presence. Now they are making adult decisions with all the wrong information and I’m terrified for them.
😲😲 Thank you Jennifer for this info. I already have decided that as soon as i know that they are pregnant i am going to give them both of your books… Your Baby Your Way and The Vaccine Friendly Plan.
Not just from birth, Carolynne. From before birth. We are now recommending pregnant women get: 2 flu vaccines (1 in the first trimester and 1 in the 3rd, if a pregnancy spans 2 flu seasons), at least 1 COVID vaccine, and a Tdap, among others. More information about that here: https://jennifermargulis.net/vaccines-during-pregnancy-how-to-say-no-thank-you-to-your-doctor/. We can't help our adult children or change their minds. We just have to love them unconditionally and hope and pray for the best. I will say, however, that a lot of parents have found the book I co-authored with Dr. Paul Thomas to be a really helpful and gentle way in to having a more balanced conversation. It's called The Vaccine-Friendly Plan. We do not recommend **any** vaccines during pregnancy in our book, by the way. Please listen to Sweet Honey in the Rock's song "Your children are not your children..." I've fretted a lot about these issues, and so many, many more, and this song really gives me solace. Hang in there. Oh--and consider becoming an adoptive great-grandma to some totally unvaccinated littles ones who have been canceled by their families for not vaccinating, which is something that happens all too often. Ask me how I know...
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
Psalms 139:14
Jennifer - after having gotten two Covid shots and then realizing the horrible mistake I’d made (6 months later), I have completely immersed myself in this subject. (Note I am the author of the stack, “Clotastrophe”)
Covid was a gift. It awakened many to the entire scam of vaccination. I’ve made it my mission to awaken more.
Dear Laura, thank you for introducing yourself and sharing your Substack. I agree that COVID--in some ways anyway--was a gift. I wrote about that here: https://jennifermargulis.substack.com/p/covid-nonsense-helped-raise-awareness
And if they will scam on vaccines, what else is a scam? Climate change? Transgenderism? Open borders? The loss of trust in government over vaccines extends now to every aspect of this government. In Vermont, the Governor paid cash "awards" to public schools that achieved high vaccination rates!! Public school hesitancy is understandable....
The bribery was unbelievable, John, in every state (and many countries around the world). The most egregious was the brothel in Austria that gave Johns free sex if they got the vaccine. (You can't make this stuff up). You may be able to cite some of the nationwide corruption when you go to the Supreme Court: https://jennifermargulis.substack.com/p/people-were-bribed-to-take-covid
Thanks for this post! Imagine if schools od doctors vaccinated children without (or against) parental consent. That is what happened to my clients in Vermont: we are headed to the US Supreme Court! Their story is here: https://givebutter.com/j1vdDO
I hope you win your case.
I hope you win your case. Precedence must be established.
I’m extremely alarmed as I watch children removed from their home, parents losing custody because they refuse to inject their children and schools or doctors vaccinating without parental consent. The risk of injury and/or death is real.
Another problem that is goi g to increase is the vaccination stance of each parent being considered in custody cases. Judges default to "vaccination is in the best interest of the child," when in reality, if parents disagree about medical issues, the default should be abstaining from any medical intervention.
The other day I listed to your excellent and highly informative interview with Jim Kunstler. Highly recommend!
It’s heartbreaking that millions of children are injured or deceased because parents trusted allopathic medical personnel or the “science”.
Ten years ago I began to research:
The Tuskegee Experiment in which the US government, from 1932 to 1972, promised 400 indigent Black men free medical care and instead injected/infected them with syphilis under the guise of a vaccine program, then denied them medical care in order to study the progression of the disease.
The Cutter Incident in which the Salk polio vaccine produced by Cutter Labs proved extremely dangerous and lethal to tens of thousands of American children. Jonas Salk, inventor of the Salk polio vaccine, admitted that the vaccine increased polio. Jonas Salk is a eugenicist.
SV-40 (simian virus 40) derived from the kidneys of rhesus monkeys contaminated polio vaccines in the 50s and early 60s causing cancer. Side note: Polio isn’t a poliovirus or enterovirus. That’s CDC lie/cover-up. Polio is neurological damage from chemical exposure, i.e. DDT, Paris Green, etc. In the 40s and 50s healthcare professionals sprayed DDT directly on the public, including babies and children, in swimming pools, fruit orchards, etc. in an attempt to inhibit the insects/mosquitoes thought to carry the disease, instead polio increased exponentially.
The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic originated with a Rockefeller-based experimental vaccine program of the enlisted at Fort Riley, KS. It wasn’t Spanish and it wasn’t flu; it was bacterial pneumonia in the injections. This is an early example of vaccine injury/death and government cover-up. Government lied; millions died. Bill Gates’ grandfather Dr. Frederick L. Gates was a participant in the experiment. He was also a eugenicist. Masks were mandated then as well which increased deaths (petri dish on the face; hypoxia; hypercapnia; etc.). Fauci knew; he co-authored a paper on masks in the 1980’s.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
It’s not coincidence that the rate of ASD, SIDS, seizure disorders, cancer and childhood cancers, autoimmune disorders, gender dysmorphia, etc. including childhood death, have ALL increased dramatically at the same dramatic rate as the vaccine schedule recommended by the corrupt CDC (owns and profits from at least 50-70 vaccine patents/huge conflict of interest) in the last thirty years. Both ASD and SIDS were near non-existent before the widespread inception of vaccines. SADS is the adult SIDS counterpart since the roll-out of the covid “vaccines”. Gardisil, the HPV “vaccine”, is deadly to teens and young adults. The MMR is far more dangerous and lethal to children than the CDC reveals.
Vaccines contain neurotoxins, carcinogens, foreign human DNA (aborted fetal cells), foreign animal DNA, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, thimerosal, etc.
The ingredients in vaccines are so toxic we cannot drink them and so dangerous a small spill is automatic evacuation of the area with Hazmat brought in to clean up. If you spoon fed your child the ingredients in vaccines you would be arrested for child abuse, yet vaccines are somehow magically safe and effective for injection.
In 1986, Ronald Reagan and Congress, under pressure from the criminal pharma/vaccine industry, signed H.R.5546 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act into law, which gives full legal immunity to vaxx manufacturers. And yet, Congress admitted that vaccines are also “unavoidably unsafe”.
Mandatory childhood vaccines are medical tyranny, a violation of informed consent, non-consent without fear of reprisal and government interference in parental rights, but also the precursor to mandatory vaccination for adults. It’s an insidious indoctrination to condition the masses into coerced injections. Mandatory pet vaccines are the same type of conditioning.
I knew from the jump that the covid mRNA nanotech injections were not about health or public safety, but compliance. I was outraged when Biden-Harris issued the mandate of experimental mRNA injections to millions of Americans as a condition of employment, enrollment, entry or travel. I quit a four-year graphic design position because my former employer made injection mandatory.
September 2021, Biden officially declared the unvaccinated an enemy of the state. “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” he said after announcing sweeping “vaccine” mandates. He directly threatened US citizens and incorrectly blamed unvaccinated individuals for the alleged ongoing covid crisis.
ANY mandatory medical procedure, injection, mask (based on health risks), etc. is MEDICAL TYRANNY which violates Informed Consent, non-consent without fear of reprisal and EVERY individual’s sovereign right to bodily autonomy. Where there is risk, there must be choice.
ANY individual, government, corporation, school/university, venue, etc. that mandates these deadly injections as a condition of travel, employment, enrollment, entry, etc. is complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity and has blood on their dirty little hands.
Athletes are dropping dead on playing fields. SADS, like its counterpart SIDS, is being normalized. Babies are having heart attacks in utero. Young people and children are having heart attacks and strokes. Insurance companies are reporting that the death rate among 18-64yo has increased by 40% since the injections began. This is unprecedented and should be a concern to all that rolled up their sleeve or were coerced to submit to experimental mRNA injections.
The fact that the insert (not the incomplete information sheet handed out by doctors/pharmacies) for covid “vaccines” was/is “intentionally blank” is a violation of Informed Consent. The FDA and Pfizer request that the data for the experimental injections be sealed for 75 years(!) is further proof of a violation of Informed Consent. Pfizer was court-ordered to release the data and reluctantly released some including 9 pages of tight text containing possible adverse reactions including death. And still, four years since the inception of the injections, the full list of ingredients has -not- been released and in fact is being concealed. This is another instance of a violation of Informed Consent. Not one of the billions injected so far has received Informed Consent. NOT ONE. The long-term health effects are not known. AND, the CDC recently added the covid “vaccines” to its recommended list of childhood vaccines.
Eugenicist Bill Gates “Innovating to Zero” TEDTalk, February 2010:
“The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent …”
“Safe vaccine” is and always will be an oxymoron. I’m anti-vaxx and never going back.
Just the Inserts
VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports
Mask and Vaccine Science and Resources
Vaccines, flu shots, mRNA injections, etc. are biowarfare, bioengineering and eugenics, by design.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
Impressive summary! You've done your homework!
Congrats on doing the extensive research. I started same about 22 yrs ago. What a gift yo have our eyes opened!
If you want to go to the next level, doctors & scientists started digging deeper into the research behind viruses only to discover: there has never been any scientific evidence that viruses exist! Thus, the entire purpose for vax shots is moot.
Dr Samantha Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman & MANY others
This is an xlnt intro video for those new to these revelations:
(She's at DrSamBailey.com + here on Substack. Dr Tom Cowan is on BitChute)
Why do you say individual vaccines have been tested? I would refer to Aaron Siri’s expertise and RFK Jr’s vaccine safety video to disagree with that. 5 days of observation is not testing. Relying on after licensing monitoring for adverse events and then not monitoring doesn’t work either.
Linda, I agree. Children's vaccines have never been tested against a placebo, just another vaccine. And what was the Court term for them? Unavoidably unsafe I believe? No injection that tampers with our immune can ever be safe. There are many ways to treat symptoms. A climate of fear has been systematically created and pushed on the populous about getting "sick." Therefore paving the way for products that supposedly keep you from getting "sick." Enter vaccination. I know many unvaccinated children. Extremely healthy and vibrant. Why do parents never ask why official studies are never allowed comparing the health of vaccinated children vs. unvaccinated? Why are pediatricians stripped of their medical license when performing these studies within their individual practices? IMO it's long past time for the con game in medical practice concerning many drugs and vaccines to end.
"IMO it's long past time for the con game in medical practice concerning many drugs and vaccines to end." I agree. We need to take the profit motive out of medicine and vaccines and also get the unbelievable number of toxins out of our food, air, soil, and water. The public health messaging should focus on healthy eating, outdoor time, exercise, kindness, meditation, playing in the (non-toxic) mud, and keeping kids screen-free as much as possible. But maybe there's no money or glory (or ego?) in helping people grow organic gardens, making healthy food affordable, and encouraging Americans to walk, bike, and sit quietly in the sun, their feet on the ground, meditating?
In a perfect world what you suggest would be the goal. But it’s fact, not conspiracy theory, there is a Luciferian cabal that rules this world with its depopulation and absolute control over humanity agenda.
Until the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are defeated and disbanded the masses are in danger.
I believe we’re watching Biblical prophecy unfold. The Zionists dba the UN/WHO/WEF want a NWO which includes one world government/currency/religion, mass worldwide depopulation, and absolute control over humanity.
The UN, with its library/publishing house Lucis [Lucifer] Trust, is the one world government of the NWO.
We the people are being deliberately poisoned >>air, water, pharmaceuticals, food, etc.
Bird flu is the latest machination that will fear monger the masses into toxic injections, but it’s far more insidious than covid as it’s being utilized to target the food supply as well to orchestrate widespread famine.
UN Agenda 21/2030, WEF Great Reset, NWO Georgia Guidestones
@tswarbrick…when i read “luciferian cabal” i said in my head “you mean zionism”….then i saw you mentioned it below. Zionists are the shadow government, the “deep state”, and the root of much of the darkest evil in this world. The good folks in this movement and fight have yet to acknowledge and recognize this fact. I unfortunately dont have that much hope for what rfk will actually get done because he and trump are zionist owned at the end of the day. If people would really take their blinders off and confront their own indoctrination, they would see that whats happening in Pales tine, (for 76 years and a zionist agenda for over a 100 years) particularly in ga za, they would know its much bigger than that itself, rather its a blue print for the rest of us. Make no mistake, ga za is coming to all of us one day and our government is complicit.
Yes, Trump is definitely Zionist, though I haven’t been as sure about RFK Jr., but he talks about “safe vaccines” which is a type of obfuscation that is possibly him bowing down to the powers-that-shouldn’t-be.
I’ve been extremely concerned as I’ve watched DJT surround himself with WEF; Elon Musk, Linda Thompson (?), Dr. Oz, etc. I’ve seen his hand signals on various occasions. I’m no longer trusting.
I agree that Ga za is coming to all of us one day and world governments are complicit. The Zionists have captured and control this world. :/
Jennifer, the biblical " the love of money is the root of all evil" is what we're experiencing now. Money, prestige, comfort, group think, etc. has infiltrated every institution (including the medical community) in the US...going on for decades now, but a bright light is now shining on all. Truth and goodness always win in the end.
The only answer I can see is the proverbial "be the change you want to see". It won't be perfect (what is?) but it's a start. And it brings you a personal peace that following the dictates of an unhealthy culture cannot.
Linda and AJF, each vaccine that is given in the childhood vaccine schedule has gone through a different level of safety testing with varying results. Some are tested quite thoroughly. Others not thoroughly enough. The government also conducts ongoing safety monitoring of vaccines. It's a biased system and it is not adequate, obviously. But we can't forgot that the first iteration of the rotavirus vaccine was taken off the market not long after it was found to cause a bowel blockage, for example. We also stopped using a live pertussis vaccine after it was shown to cause brain swelling. I'm not disagreeing with Aaron Siri or RFK (or you). The safety testing process is inadequate. But there is a process in place...
Yes, my son was one of the babies to have intussusception of his intestine (bowel blockage) in January of 1999. He had to have emergency surgery…after a week of me telling my pediatrician something was wrong with his “tummy.” I was dismissed and told it was his earache causing him to writhe in pain and roll around on my bed. He was only 9 months old. We were admitted to the hospital at the end of that week, finally, due to dehydration; where after about 16 hours he thankfully spit dried blood up onto my shoulder. It was tested to confirm it was blood and sure enough, then they moved quickly to do an xray to confirm blockage, an unsuccessful barium enema to try to dislodge his intestine, that had turned into itself, and finally surgery to remove 2 inches of his intestine. I still thank the radiologist and surgeon who acted diligently to save his life. Pathology report concluded his intestine was close to breaking. He was our first of 6 children. I questioned my pediatrician and did research, since in my deepest being, I knew an otherwise healthy baby should not be sickly, as he also had lots of ear infections. I kept vaccinating him and 2 more siblings until 2005 when I read an article about the rotavirus causing intussusception and was taken off the market in late 1999. Our youngest 3 children have never been vaccinated, no antibiotics, no Tylenol, no ibuprofen, etc.
To say what we experienced with our first baby, changed us, is definitely an understatement. The experience changed the whole trajectory of my life. My initial research was done before internet accessibility was mainstream, so it was slow going. Once more and more information became available online, I was never going back.
Consequently, my nephew had intussusception later in 1999. Thankfully, my brother called me as he and his wife remembered me describing how my son had writhed in pain. Their son was about 10 months old and acting similarly. I suggested an ER visit stat. They took him in immediately and thankfully his was corrected with an air enema. Two male cousins with same issue within 9 months. “The benefits outweigh the risks” was the mantra my pediatrician continued to tell me each time I took my children in for appts and vaccinations and asked plenty of questions.
Since 2005 it has been an uphill climb going against the tide in regards to finding the right MD when needed, school entry without vaccines, learning to care for acute illnesses on our own, etc. It’s a good thing I am motivated to research and gain knowledge to do what we feel is best for our family.
And yes, our youngest 3 were definitely healthier as infants, toddlers, teenagers, young adults.
All anecdotal, of course, but both my husband and I are college graduates (me with 2 undergraduate and 1 graduate degree) received back in the 1990s and when our state land grant university was still not as woke as it is now. I wrote a research paper or 2 in my graduate work, and had to read a few, lol. So at least my masters degree should qualify me the ability to read and decipher medical research papers.
It has been amazing how many people are now questioning vaccine safety due to Covid. Most of them don’t mention childhood vaccines as that monster is too large for them to want to poke, in my opinion. It is difficult for most people to even start to wonder if what they imposed on their own children was harmful. I get it, it is easier to just pretend you did the right thing than to dig deep and truly understand what is going on. As most of you know, it takes a lot of energy and mental fortitude to go down the rabbit hole.
I am thankful for my journey, it has made me more aware and stronger, even through the exhaustion that the journey brought.
Keep educating yourself. You are the best advocate for you and your loved ones.
What an incredible and heartbreaking journey, Lori. Thank you for sharing this story.
Regardless of how thoroughly they were tested initially, the post-market safety surveillance is abysmal. When doctors and other health care providers do not anticipate adverse events, they do not recognize them, therefore they go unreported, which means there appear to be very few adverse events, reinforcing the false belief that the adverse events are very rare.
The fact that Big Pharma doesn't conduct real scientific research when they test vaccines and in the 21st century, these studies do not usually use a real placebo as a control group is strong evidence that Big Pharma does not even want to test for safety of these vaccines.
Such wanton disregard for our infants' and children's health is evidence of "medical child abuse." And the mainstream media is an accomplice in these crimes against nature as the media does all it can to protect one of its largest advertisers.
I love your work. My only issue with your post is the statement - "While individual vaccines are safety tested" . . . The safety testing of vaccines is a fraud. Not one has been tested against a true placebo. I lost my son to the "safe and effective" DPT vaccine. I now believe that all vaccines are dangerous and an attack on the God given sanctity of the human body.
Thanks for your diligent work too Ted. You too are a hero.
I am sorry about your son.
I very much agree, as you write: "I now believe that all vaccines are dangerous and an attack on the God given sanctity of the human body." I didn't always see it this way, however. The catastophe of the covid 19 injections woke me up. I've done my research, I now know about the fraud and mealfeasance. I also have far more respect for the wonder that is the human body's immune system, and for the dangers of arrogance in messing with it.
Regardless of what "safety testing" says, experience of pain is the fastest, surest way to change behavior. Ours came with the flu vaccine, containing thimerosal in 2006 3 yr old well being visit. less then 24 hours after, I believe my son had a stroke, caused by that and the other vaccines he received at the well being visit. We tested for mercury excretion over a battery of high level testing only to find none. He immediately hours later sat on the floor spinning his hair out of he head with his fingers and pulling, began a remarkable obsession with spinning objects. After that none of my four children or myself have had a single vaccine. My 24 yr old decided to get the covid jab to travel easier and has had less then good health since and I am not sure he believes that he is ok but he is not suffering life debilitating injuries that will help convince him he is ok. He is closest to his brother who has severe autism but the "experience" was not his. For those that have had a painful experience and make the connection will become anti-vaxxers. Covid was that painful experience for many. The obfuscation of truth is so obvious to so many that didn't get the "painful experience" that many have become anti-vaxxers based off the broken cookie jar sitting in the middle of the room with the crumbs all over the face of the government. If the data was there to back up the claim that even one vaccine is safe and effective I have never read, heard or had proven that science was done to convince me it is safe and effective.
I'm so sorry for what happened to your son. And heartbroken that your 24-year-old has suffered from poorer health since the COVID vaccine. So many young people, especially men, have died from these mRNA injections.
I have been a vaccine sceptic since the early 2000s when I somehow fell down a vaccine rabbit hole online and then proceeded to read more and more about not just vaccines but the pharmaceutical industry. What an education!!!! I often try to share what I have learned but mostly run into silence, hardened stares and outright belligerence. It’s like trying to have a conversation with a cult member. In the end, at least I can use this knowledge to protect my loved ones and myself from injury.
Wouldn’t it be so telling if people who were vaccine injured all came to the capital for a ‘peaceful demonstration’! Maybe if thousands of people showed up, it would be a great visual for everyone to see!
Those of us who have been fighting to help children not suffer brain and immune damage have been doing this for years. Several hundreds to several thousands -- to tens of thousands in some countries -- show up at these rallies. The visuals are astounding, and heartbreaking. But have yet to move the needle. Big business interests have all the money, power, and (false) prestige on their side. When RFK is approved, things will change rapidly. They haven't yet. But it's not for lack of trying: https://jennifermargulis.net/dangers-of-vaccines-event-times-square/
I have transcribed many videos of rally speeches by the vax injured 2021-2023. Mainstream media pays no attention to these events, but that doesn't mean they aren't happening. I recall watching the Defeat the Mandates rally and seeing the stage at one point filled with vax injured in wheelchairs. Now there's a visual.
Here is just one transcript:
Mona Hasegawa Speaks Out for the Jab Injured at Washington DC Rally
"there's thousands of people that are suffering like myself and a lot of the people in the group are very suicidal right now"
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/168981.html
Source video:
"Mona Hasegawa"
Vaccine Injury Stories from Angel Medic, posted December 29, 2022
Thank you so much for doing those transcriptions. It sometimes feels like spitting in the ocean but I think things are changing and will continue to improve. A girl can hope.
Thanks for your comment. I think things are changing, too, and I hold the hope that for many people it will be for the better. May your 2025 be joyous and healthy.
I used to hide the completely unvaxxed status of my two kids (now quite healthy 23 and 20). Quit going to any well child visits at about a year old for each. Relative waste of time and stressful. If anyone asks today, I reply that I’m simply an anti-vaxxer. I can’t mince words and justify any part of safety or lack there of, efficacy or lack there of to coddle those who really won’t listen to or respect my fact based choice, and who are unable to look around them and notice how sick people are. The declaration either ends a conversation quickly or starts one with the curious minded.
My son played soccer with a young man who was a year younger than him and amazingly talented. He scored four goals in one competitive game. His dad shouted from the sidelines: "IT'S BECAUSE HE'S COMPLETELY UNVACCINATED!" That was years ago. I was impressed by how loud and proud he was. The other parents--at least some of them--were scandalized. (Which was also kinda fun.)
This might seem a bit pedantic, but I think it is an important point to make.
There is no such thing as 'unvaccinated' just as there is no such thing as 'uncocained' or 'unasbestosed' or 'unheroined'. Instead there are people who remain free of cocaine, asbestos, heroin and vaccines - which is our natural and default state.
I feel it is important to not fall for their terminology, which implies the 'unvaccinated' are suffering from a deficiency of vaccines.
If you want to step it up a notch you can point out to people that virology itself has been utterly debunked, on its own terms, using its own controls. The standard cell culture experiments virologists use to 'prove' viruses have been shown to provide the same proof (cell culture CPE and EM imaging) even when no sample from a sick patient is added to the culture. In other words the very methodology itself (starving and passaging the cell culture) produces a breakdown of the culture, as well as tiny particles which are said to be 'viruses'... all from a completely sterile cell culture.
The whole thing is a fraud. So called 'viruses' are just inert cellular debris and are no more the cause of disease than brick dust is the cause of building collapses. The Virology Control Studies Experiments organised by Jamie Andrews (on substack) have recently repeated these control experiments, and they used the same labs (CRTs) that Big Pharma uses, who were blinded to the objective of the experiments, so nobody can say the experiments were biased.
Virology - and by extension vaccinology - have been well and truly exposed as psuedoscience (and criminal fraud). There is no need to even talk about safety testing or trials or risk/ benefit analysis. Vaccines cannot possibly have any health benefits. They are just poison. They create sickly people who go on to become a cash cow for Big Pharma throughout their sickly lives.
If you want to step it up another notch you can also point out that none of the VIP's and experts who pushed the vax took it themselves. The CDC, FDA, White House, WHO, Pfizer, Moderna etc were al exempt from the mandates. Pfizer CEO Bourla said he didn’t want to jump the line and his type was not recommended to get it anyway. Gates’ family doctor from the 1990’s said he refused to vaccinate his own children saying they didn’t need any shots. Tedros said he didn’t get the covid shot out of solidarity with Africa. Fauci did get the shot at a press conference, but the next day when he was describing the soreness he felt at the injection site he patted the wrong arm!
So if you think about it the anti-vaxxers are actually society's true conformists (audience gasps in shock!). The vax-o-holics are society's actual mavericks, outsiders, dissidents and dirty drug users. I feel that this realisation may be key to getting the vaxxed to snap out of their trance, and only then will they be open to looking at the (actual) science.
For the general population (the TV watchers) 99% of their motivation to get the covid vax (or any other vax) was social conformity - but if the 'experts' won't touch it with a barge pole, then even this reason is exposed as a fraud.
I appreciate your point about the word "unvaccinated." It rings very true to me. The intact movement--people who oppose routine infant circumcision--point this out about the word "uncircumcised." An uncircumcised penis is an INTACT penis, or simply a penis. It is the penis that is missing the foreskin that is the one lacking, not the one which was not subjected to a very painful procedure without its owner's knowledge or consent.
Thank you for the rest of this comment as well. All good points to consider.
Hi Jennifer,
In answer to your question, I think "vaccines" are not "safe", "effective", or indeed "neccessary".
Since becoming aware that no "virus" has ever been isolated, and in fact "virology" is a pseudoscience, I now would never take, or recommend a "vaccine" to anyone ever again. Sadly, all my children were vaccinated, (as I was) because like so many others, I was socially conditioned to believe that viruses exist. Through movies, novels, "news", old wives tales, the narrative was reinforced time and time again.
The programming was so strong, I initially rejected the idea but looked into when Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey started talking about it. After viewing their evidence why virology is a lie, (and others like Mike Stone, Dr. Tom Cowan, etc), I could not disagree with them. The virologists have not proven the existence of a single virus. Considering how much public money is spent every year, globally on what is essentially “snake oil”, to combat “viruses”, culminating in the blatant medical fascism attempted with covid - this is a very important issue.
It’s more than just facts and figures though, how do you think humanity, (or any animal/vegetable) would have survive all the millenia past being attacked by these elusive viruses, before the pharmaceutical companies and their ‘scientists’ came to save us all?
Many allegedly anti-vaccine campaigners (RFK Jr, for one) know this, but claim that the issue is a 'distraction' or that 'people will think your crazy and shut off', but I disagree. If an ordinary person like me can “get it”, why shouldn’t anyone else.
Once the majority of us are aware of this, so many other issues and problems that flow directly from the big "virus" lie, will dissipate, like a bad smell on a fresh breeze. Then perhaps people will take more personal responsibility for their own health.
Thank you for sharing this point of view, Janey. Is there a link to an article you could share that lays out the arguments against virology for someone wanting to educate herself about this debate?
Yes Jennifer, absolutely. Actually, here are links to Sam Bailey's 2 part video series, "Unmasking the Viral Paradigm", and Mark Bailey's, "A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition). This has been accessed over 284,000 times since publication, and is yet to be refuted.
Sam literally has an entire playlist refuting various "viruses", if you want to look further into her work. She is very open to communication should you wish to discuss with her and Mark, I'm sure.
Jennifer, Is there some kind of list akin to the Great Barrington Declaration regarding vaccines? Something that a list of Doctors, scientists, lawyers etc. can sign so people can see that vaccine safety concerns are not as fringe as people think.
Additionally is there a list of parents who believe their child to have regressed after vaccination? With or without testimonials?
I am just curious because to a skeptic how do I cite that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have these stories? I believe there are, but how do I prove it.
Yes. There are lists. There used to be two very thorough ones on the internet for families looking for vaccine choice doctors. Both were taken down last time I looked, however, and my bad eyesight won't allow me to surf to find them again. One was Naturally Nicole's list of vaccine-friendly doctors and the other was a list hosted by Dr. Bob Sears, M.D. One of the best places for a vast amount of information is a nonprofit called vaccine papers. Here's the link: http://vaccinepapers.org. Larry Cook compiled hundreds, if not thousands of stories, at Stop Mandatory Vaccination, but I think his site, too, has been sunsetted? You can read hundreds more at the Vaccine Reaction, a publication of the National Vaccine Information Center's website; and dozens more at Children's Health Defense's main site. Health Impact News has also compiled thousands over the years and I know they are still publishing them. In addition, I would hand any skeptic who is willing/interested in reading science a copy of Neil Z. Miller's book (here's a referred link: https://amzn.to/3ZNs1yM). He's got a follow-up updated book which includes COVID vaccine studies coming out, hopefully soon. Is this enough to get you started?
The "... or I'll punch you again ..." MEME is pure evil. Yet I can see some people thinking it encouragement.
I agree that it is a horrible, unkind, ridiculous meme...
In case it's helpful here is a 7 part video series which goes through all the commonly stated reasons to get vaccinated (covid as well as regular vaccines). Each reason is a chapter which compares that reason to real world experiences, hard evidence and common sense.
It's primarily aimed at 'TV watchers' who have never encountered information outside of the approved mainstream narrative. I've tried to avoid appeals to authority, as well as appeals to conspiracy. It also has a heavy focus on the psychology and how gaslighting and herd mentality are used to gain compliance.
Anyway, it's all free :)
Thank you.
I wish I had it to do over again(differently). I would NOT have vaccinated my kids on the CDC schedule. I have come to believe that vaccines have been made to deliberately make us ill and/or sterile. It may have started out as a way to keep us healthy but has since been corrupted by big pharma.
I think hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of parents feel this way Pam.
My two grandsons are engaged and will be married this next year. It terrifies me that their babies will most likely be vaxed from birth. When they were quite young and living at home i discovered for myself the trouble with vaccines.
I immediately tried to warn my daughter but was met with indifference. When i made comments to the kids i was forbidden to say the word in their presence. Now they are making adult decisions with all the wrong information and I’m terrified for them.
😲😲 Thank you Jennifer for this info. I already have decided that as soon as i know that they are pregnant i am going to give them both of your books… Your Baby Your Way and The Vaccine Friendly Plan.
Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully they will read them! ❤️❤️❤️
Not just from birth, Carolynne. From before birth. We are now recommending pregnant women get: 2 flu vaccines (1 in the first trimester and 1 in the 3rd, if a pregnancy spans 2 flu seasons), at least 1 COVID vaccine, and a Tdap, among others. More information about that here: https://jennifermargulis.net/vaccines-during-pregnancy-how-to-say-no-thank-you-to-your-doctor/. We can't help our adult children or change their minds. We just have to love them unconditionally and hope and pray for the best. I will say, however, that a lot of parents have found the book I co-authored with Dr. Paul Thomas to be a really helpful and gentle way in to having a more balanced conversation. It's called The Vaccine-Friendly Plan. We do not recommend **any** vaccines during pregnancy in our book, by the way. Please listen to Sweet Honey in the Rock's song "Your children are not your children..." I've fretted a lot about these issues, and so many, many more, and this song really gives me solace. Hang in there. Oh--and consider becoming an adoptive great-grandma to some totally unvaccinated littles ones who have been canceled by their families for not vaccinating, which is something that happens all too often. Ask me how I know...