Aug 31Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Another Red/Orange food is Red Palm Oil. This Palm tree originated in Tropical West Africa. It is related to the date palm, not the coconut palm.

It's fruits are rich in long medium and short chained fatty acids. It is a deep complex of fatty acids accompanied by copious amounts of carotenoids and vitamin E (mixed tocopherols). Both carotenoids and E are fat soluble vitamins. Wow how convenient to have it all together in one food Red Palm Oil.

Two table spoons of Red Palm oil give one all the carotenoids and E needed for the day, too. It doesn't taste bad (like unsalted butter. If you have ever made raw butter from raw creme). It keeps amazingly well. Not surprising really as it has all those antioxidants.

I have been using Red Palm oil for 30 years. Back before it became a thing. Now for the most part (sadly) it is farmed in plantations in South East Asia for bio-fuel. Remember golden rice, push by Bill Gates. Never worked out. Why he didn't talk about Red Palm oil? I don't know.

Also the health product industry is mum about this amazing food. Because it makes an amazing base for all their healthcare products.

It is a thing now. Thus it is hard to find a source you can trust. This I leave to you dear reader. Buy small amounts and try different suppliers until you find one you can trust. Then by bulk if you wish. Make sure the Red Palm oil is a deep red/orange color. Has mild to no smell and tastes bland. The bland taste is a cover for it's amazing qualities.

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Never heard of it. Thanks. Do you think it’d work in lotions? I make my own.

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Sep 9Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I works no matter what.

> Also the health product industry is mum about this amazing food. Because it makes an amazing base for all their healthcare products.

I worked several days in the hot sun without a hat (105 F) and my face especially the right side as it was south facing got sun burned. Genie just put Red Palm Oil (doesn't take much) on my face and worked it in a bit. I still looked like an Orange man. Much Oranger than Trump. Within an hour it was absorbed by my skin. The next day we applied more and my skin soaked it up. No sun burn happened and no peeling skin.

Normally Red Palm Oil will absorb slowly into the skin. Genie was quite impressed with how quick it absorbed. We were both impressed as there was no sunburn and no peeling and all the discomfort dissipated within the hour of the first application of Red Palm Oil

I hope this helps.

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Aug 29Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Thanks - very helpful, and this encourages me to keep up the home gardening and our little orchard.

I will try the orange busy rice recipe this weekend!

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Aug 29Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I’ve been on a papaya kick lately!

Love orange 🍊

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Sep 9Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Good nutrition advice. I love eating orange things but didn’t realize how nutritional some of these are.

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Aug 31Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Just wanted to say, thank you for an awesome article!

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Aw shucks. Thanks for reading it. Please share! (if you feel moved to do so, that is.)

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