Jennifer, I too used to think that vaccines were beneficial, if spaced out and if the kid was monitored for adverse reactions. I did this with both of my sons, 26 and 30 years ago.

Boy was I wrong.

In the last 4 years, I have read every book I could find on vaccines. I now realize I have vaccine-injured children. The oldest had “unexplained” excema.and later developed juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. My second son developed Tourette’s and OCD. Neither of these problems came from either side of our families.

There are a number of books describing many of the problems that we are seeing today, including the autistic spectrum disorders.

Here are some of the books I’ve read: Turtles all the way Down, Dissolving illusions by Suzanne Humphreys, The Truth about Contagion by Dr. Thomas Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell, The Virus and the Vaccine by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher, The Autism Vaccine by Forrest McReady, Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Z Miller, Good-Bye Germ Theory, by Dr. William P Trebing.

There are many more books too numerous to name that I have read.

The evidence is overwhelming.

We have been lied to.

And we have just been too blind to see it due to monied interests, pretending to be public health services.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

After a professional career of being a vaxxer, (Father forgive me), I am well on the way to becoming an anti vaxxer.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I have always been a very science minded person. Once upon a time, I was going to go into astrobiology. Anyway.... I vaccinated as per the schedule my first two children. I used to think that anyone who didn't vaccinate their kids were "Stupid and selfish". Then for giggles, one day, I decided to humour the 'stupid antivaxxers' and read some of the tripe they posted. I was shocked. Shocked at how wrong I was. Shocked at how much vaccines lacked in actual independent research. Shocked at how much I'd been lied to.

And eventually shocked to realise that I'd been vaccine injured as a child. My health is wrecked and always will be. I have autoimmune issues, detoxing issues, inflammation issues.... plus much more. It started with HepB when I was only a small child. Then MMR. Then dTap as a teen. I didn't have remotely anywhere near the number of vaccines kids have now. All it took was one vaccine to wreck my immune system, the other two were just the cherry on the autoimmunity and inflammation cake.

I spent years reading academic papers, research, books, anything I could get my hands on. I realised the current vaccine technology cannot and will not ever afford anyone safe and effective immunity simply because it does not trigger the immune system in the same way natural disease does. You cannot inject immunity - it bypasses essential immune function and thus cannot ever confer equivalent immunity. It is all of the risk with so little benefit (if any) as to be almost statistical noise.

It's far better or far more effective to understand how the immune system works (in so far as our current understanding), learn effective treatments (e.g. Vitamin A for 'spotty' diseases like Varicella and Measles) and get natural immunity.

Maybe one day we will understand the immune system enough to develop a vaccine that confers the same level of immunity as natural. Or perhaps even better. But none of the current ones on the market do that and it doesn't look like there will be any time soon sadly, especially when there's so much money to be made from inferior products that create lasting health problems and an ongoing source of revenue.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I think this message is beginning to resonate with a bigger percentage of the population.

But, I have come to believe that there is not a single vaccine that is beneficial for any human,

or animal. We have a lot of work to do to convince the general population that it is allopathic medicine that is a sham, not the 'alternative' medicine that humans have practiced for thousands of years.

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I am an anti-vaxxer. All vaccines are poisonous. All. Say no to vaccine.


¨How young girls are being seriously damaged by the vaccine with the highest reported adverse reactions of any existing vaccine.¨ https://www.sacrificialvirgins.org/

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Those of us of a certain age survived measles as toddlers or children just fine (can have a high mortality/ morbidity rate if one is vitamin A deficient, but essentially no one in this country is). The press are just paid shills.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

An excellent video with transcript by Laura Hayes posted on the Age of Autism website many years ago played a huge role in waking me up to the problems with vaccines: https://www.ageofautism.com/2018/11/why-is-this-legal-presentation-on-vaccines-by-laura-hayes.html

Based on everything I fortunately learned long before anyone ever heard of "COVID," I would definitely call myself a "true anti-vaxxer." I never considered for one microsecond taking a single dose of the sars-cov-2 shots. Having learned how to properly take care of my health I am now 74 years old, have no chronic diseases, am healthier than most 50 year olds, and never take so much as a baby aspirin. A few months ago when I came down with a bout of what might have been the flu, a cold or even COVID I just stayed home for a week so as not to spread it to others, got plenty of rest, continued eating a healthy diet, and the symptoms completely disappeared over the course of nine days. When they role out whatever kind of bio-weapon shot they create for "disease X," warp-speeded or not, I'll refuse that just as adamantly.

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¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.

Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form

The following form was adapted from Ken Anderson’s original.


Download PDF English

Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety


Download PDF Espanol

Garantia Medica para la Seguridad en las Vacunas


Download PDF Francais

Formulaire a faire signer (Vaccines)


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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

You know what's bizarre? You spend any amount of time on mothering forums and you frequently see threads about how doctors failed families over and over and over again. Merely glance at any generic women's forum and you see an overwhelming number of women failed by the medical industry that prescribes birth control at the first sign of a woman who won't shut up about a symptom.

And in the same breath as these women share their disdain for doctors and their analysis for how little doctors care about their families' health, they say "except for vaccines, obviously vaccines are safe and we're all vaccinated and please give us more vaccines." It's disheartening. We all know that doctors never talk to you about staying healthy by avoiding plastics, eating healthy, etc, but suddenly they know vaccines will keep us healthy?

I don't know if I'm an anti vaccine or not. I just know I don't trust doctors.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Calling people anti-vaccine is just as strange as calling them non-smokers. As if vaccinating is normal and not vaccinating is abnormal. Is this supposed to convey that we are all born with deficiencies and are not viable and complete without vaccination? Pharmaceutical updates for completeness and the way out of deficiency? What a madness.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

The last couple of measles outbreaks in the US, and probably the current one, were of measles strains we don't vaccinate for, because they are not native here, and these foreign strains are brought in by foreigners or citizens who visited overseas.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

My dog nearly died of a vaccine. This was after having slight issues with earlier vaccines. Thank God he lived 19 years and 4 months through the pandemic. He taught me many lessons. Don't vaccinate, eat good food, walk everyday, take a nap and you'll live a long life. None for him (after he nearly died), none for me.

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

"The true anti-vaxxer, I suppose, believes that all vaccines are bad for all people at all times."

Hmmm. Interesting.

Especially since vaccines are the false religion of many people, I might get on board with this.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Great article. I think some of the people are waking up and asking pertinent questions. Thank you Jennifer. An Ex-vaxer (since childhood) & Anti-vaxer

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From Dr. Richard Moskowitz, posted with his permission: "The measles outbreaks of 2015-19, which were similarly blamed on the anti-vaxxers, were also quite modest, served mainly to embarrass the CDC for having prematurely declared the disease eliminated from the US, and were therefore attributed to foreigners or travelers bringing it from overseas. The only thing that was genuinely frightening about them, and very likely will be about this latest one as well, is that genetic analysis identified the culprit to be the vaccine virus rather than the wild type, which meant not only that the vaccinated folks were responsible for spreading it, but that the disease itself had mutated, a truly ominous sign for the future that received almost no attention to speak of."

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Mar 26Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Yes to all you said, BUT the problem is how can we trust the vaccine makers? They have proven themselves to be quite willing to destroy lives. There are evidences that there is not quality control (or cleanliness!) in their manufacturing processes. And they have just admitted that even the death vaccine they have just given to billions, wasn’t the same as the vaccine they “tested” and presented. If a person lies to me, I stop trusting them.

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