Two tennis players I know were chatting the other day at the court. One is 67. The other just turned 70.
“So what do you think about all these boosters?” the 70-year-old asked the 67-year-old.
“I mean, I’ve been doing all the shots. But do I really need six or seven or eight?! Are they actually working? It’s starting to feel a bit ridiculous, to be honest...”
The 67-year-old shrugged.
“I just do what the doctor tells me,” he said nonchalantly. “I get a flu shot every year. So why not a COVID shot?”
I had to staple my lips together with my teeth to keep from saying anything.
No one was asking my opinion so I didn’t offer one. Not talking is a technique I’ve been practicing lately.
Instead of chiming in, I try to pause. If I’m talking too much and my interlocutor’s eyes are glazing over or her attention seems to be wandering, I stop. All the while thinking in my head the word “WAIT,” which, in this instance, stands for: Why Am I Talking?
But if anyone had asked me to chime in, here’s what I wanted to say.
Not safe or effective
Ever since the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in August of 2021, a body of peer-reviewed scientific literature showing both a lack of safety and a lack of efficacy for this vaccine has been accumulating.
The lines of evidence are everywhere—we now have well over 1,500 scientific studies showing the harms of these vaccines. This studies include literally hundreds of case reports (like this one, this one, this one, and this one); review articles (like this one, this one, and this one); immunological studies; comparative studies; and so much more.
The numbers of adverse side effects reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) have also been devastating.
According to VAERS, as of May 31, 2024, the COVID vaccines have resulted in a total of:
1,640,416 adverse event reports
216,757 hospitalizations
21,741 heart attacks
17,759 cases of bell’s palsy
71,005 permanently disabled people
37,647 deaths
To name just a few of the health problems reported as a result of these vaccines.
Most doctors have never filed a VAERS report
VAERS is a passive reporting system, notorious for under-reporting.
Many medical doctors—even emergency room doctors—aren’t familiar with the system and have never filed a report. If you don’t believe me, do your own investigation. I double dare you to ask ten mainstream doctors you know to tell you how many times they’ve filed VAERS reports.
Since the data from VAERS represents only a fraction of the actual adverse vaccine events that occur, it’s reasonable to conclude that hundreds of thousands of adverse events, including deaths (like this one), have gone unreported.
Manipulative marketing
Unfortunately, all of this disturbing data has been buried by Big Pharma’s manipulative pro-vaccine marketing agenda, supported by the federal government, and fueled by Big Pharma’s need to generate as much profit as possible.
Their marketing strategy is both simple and brilliant: scare people into believing that the only way to protect themselves against this deadly virus, the likes of which the world has never seen before, is to pile on the vaccines.
When the vaccines don’t work, it’s not because they lack efficacy. It’s because the virus is so tricky and pernicious that it outwits science. So instead of halting the vaccine program, we tell people—like my tennis friends—to get more vaccines.
Since the beginning of concerns over COVID-19, the American government has been squarely on board with the relentless profit-driven scare tactics of the pharmaceutical industry.
In fact, healthcare professionals have been prompted by the CDC’s own “health” campaign to talk hesitant patients into repeatedly giving COVID-19 vaccines to their children.
The false narrative goes like this: If you vaccinate yourself and your children, you won’t get COVID. If you do get COVID, it will be mild. The **only** way to avoid a severe case of this dread disease—and to protect yourself and your family from dying—is through repeated intramuscular injections.
Many of us saw through the narrative, which was being promoted before any vaccine was even approved, right from the beginning.
Others of us, like my dear Uncle Danny, are just now realizing how much they’ve been duped.
What no one mentions in the mainstream, however, is that we now have at least half a dozen separate studies—including one from the Cleveland Clinic—that reveal the opposite of what we were all brainwashed to believe.
More vaccines = more disease
If you want to skip the details and go right to the punch line: the more COVID vaccines you get, the higher your chances of catching COVID.
If you’re interested in walking in the weeds, here’s some information to get you started.
One study, published in June of 2023 in the journal Open Forum Infectious Diseases, examined 51,000 healthcare workers over a 90-day period. This Cleveland Clinic study found that the risk of getting COVID-19 “increased with time … with the number of vaccine doses previously received.”
I’d say this louder for the people in the back, but there’s more.
Those who were vaccinated were not only at more at risk of becoming infected. Each additional dose of the vaccine they had was found to actually increase the rate and severity of the infection.
Wait. Huh? Say what?
Veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur and MIT graduate Steve Kirsch has spent millions of dollars helping fight threats to humanity.
In May of 2023, Kirsch, who himself funded research on potential cures for COVID-19 to the tune of $1 million, spoke with Frontline Health about his thoughts on these findings.
Kirsch, who is also the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation and a popular writer on Substack, described this study as “devastating for the vaccine.”
In the interview, Kirsch mentions how the results of Pfizer’s Phase 3 trial, along with two other studies, confirm the same phenomenon found by the Cleveland Clinic: a 2022 Israeli study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Disease and a study conducted in France and published in the journal Vaccine.
Yet another study, published in October of 2023, concluded that: “Compared to unvaccinated patients, those with three vaccine doses showed an elevated risk of severe symptoms.”
The consistent finding in these studies is that COVID vaccination is correlated with an increased risk of infection.
The mainstream media continues to push fake news
In some ways all of this may seem to you like yesterday’s news. But COVID vaccines are the gift that keeps on giving: lining the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry, creating immune dysfunction and cardiac problems that are keeping medical doctors busier than ever, and giving journalists a chance to keep writing fear porn articles to scare readers into compliance.
Among today’s headlines, via Big Island Now:
“Big Island health care providers urge public to mask up, get vaccinated as COVID cases continue to climb”
“Come on out,” the coach said to those of us who were there for the clinic. As we all trotted up to the baseline, I resisted the urge to high-five the player expressing doubts about the vaccines.
Exposing your skin to sunlight to maximize vitamin D levels. Exercising to oxygenate your blood and create feel-good hormones in your brain. Sweating to help your body rid itself of the harmful chemicals we’re all being exposed to. Socializing to create a sense of wellbeing and belonging. Working towards a goal to feel a sense of purpose and meaning in your life … These—not a for-profit liability-free experimental injection—are among the best and most effective defenses against infectious disease.
About the author:
Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning science journalist and book author. Her work has been published in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and on the cover of Smithsonian magazine. A former contributing writer at The Epoch Times, she has also produced radio features and written cover stories for Jefferson Public Radio, an affiliate of National Public Radio. Two days ago it was revealed (under pressure of a subpoena) that the Biden Administration pressured Amazon to ban one of her books.
Related posts:
It’s Not a Conspiracy Theory When it Turns Out to be True
Why Anti-Vaxxers Should Stop Freaking Out About My Book
People Were Bribed to Take the COVID-19 Vaccines
Great compilation of evidence. Thank you for the time it takes to write an article like this that is so helpful to us.
Thanks, Jennifer. Put more simply, the more poison in your body, the more likely and rapidly you are to see the results of being poisoned.
How much poison is in any jab appears to be somewhat random, but there are none that are poison-free.