Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Gardasil was my first under the hood look at true corporate malfeasance. The assumptions used were all wrong: HPV causes cervical cancer being the main one There was a pushing of HPV to nonvaccinated strains. Side effects were absolutely ignored under a sinister it's teenage girl hysteria rationale. Then the spiral widened to boys who, it should be noted, do not have a cervix, under some vague things about incredibly rare penile cancers and protection of their future sexual partners. It was all hypotheticals based on nypotheticals.

I suspect they used the same marketing playbook with Covid jabs and just took it into overdrive

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Yes, Amy. So well said. Part of the justification for giving it to boys is to prevent genital warts. It's been touted as a miracle! A vaccine against cancer! But I think there is no longer a question that all of the promises were false.

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Aug 24Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I catch an ad on occasion for the Vax. Then when they read the little disclaimer at warp speed in fine print. "Does not guarantee cancer prevention. May not stop occurrence of viral infection." And every reason to question 'what's the point of this vaccine?' You just told me it prevents cancer and viral infection... while telling me that it doesn't at the same time!?

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

The HPV vaccine was also my first time questioning vaccines...

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

In a legal courtroom, if a witness is caught lying, his entire testimony becomes suspect. Similarly, if a vaccine manufacturer is so blatantly lying about a particular vaccine, then the entire vaccine schedule is tainted with distrust.

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Yes. The way these companies and cancer agencies are talking out of both sides of their mouths is stunning. It is time for everyone to distrust Big Pharma (which you'd think we'd know by now. Hello opioids). As well as Big Food, Big Social Media, and Big Ag...

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

100%! Yet look at all the morons who boast they WILL NOT get the rona vax, but will still keep getting the flu vax! 🥴🤦‍♀️🙄

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

And not just lying about this particular vax. Many, many others.

In what other industry would this tolerated?

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Exactly. How is it even possible that this is being tolerated?

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Exactly. That's why when I want to reach a parent quickly I tell them about the hepatitis B vaccine. When you realize that for at least 99.5% of the infant population the birth dose of that vaccine is easily demonstrated to be all risk and no benefit, you really have to wonder about government agencies and trade associations that recommend it for all infants within the first few hours of life.

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The Hep B is mainly.a shot loaded with other stuff to affect people later...

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Once upon a time, around 2009, I got all 3 doses of the hpv vax on my own accord while away at college, thanks to the impressive marketing campaign in my dr’s office, my own proactive nature & certainly my naivety. After the first or second shot, I suddenly started getting hives /angioedema -swelling on various body parts including my hip, shoulder, lips & tongue. When on my face, I was so embarrassed that I would skip classes & cancel all social affairs. I saw doctors & allergists, was prescribed medication, went to the ER when my tongue swelled, and accepted it as a new random allergy. Years later after the tizzy of doctors that prescribed prednisone & told me I was allergic to dogs, cats, dust, dust mites & dander (thus I concluded it was caused by a dog my roommate had and wouldn’t go near dogs for a bit - until I found this, in fact, wasn’t the case), I remembered that the day before it all started, I had received a dose of the hpv vaccine. It had never dawned on me before because it seemed so inconsequential, but once I realized the connection, I went down a rabbit hole and saw what a complete farce it all is. Now, thanks to this experience, I will never allow my children to be subjected to these poisons & have exemptions for them. I’m very fortunate to have healed from this and that I had healthy births & children (and I truly thank Jennifer Margulis for so much of the baby-birthing wisdom she has shared) but my heart breaks for the many who have suffered worse fates from this or any vaccine. Now, I read & review as much as possible on this subject, in part because I can’t believe how deluded so many people I personally know still are (half my family & plenty of friends stand firm in their delusional trust in vaccines & big pharma despite knowing that they are also the same producers of opioids that have destroyed so many lives) and in part because I want to ensure my 2 young children remain unharmed by this sick, corrupted system. Ironically, I work in marketing myself, however this subject truly is what I am most passionate about because children are our future and they are being systematically poisoned through an impressive, government-aided, giant PR & Marketing campaign.

If you happened to get this far & know of any way I can find *paid* work to help further this cause, please let me know. 💕

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I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I have a friend with a similar story. Only when her son was 17 he went by himself to the pediatrician who TALKED HIM INTO the HPV vaccine. The doc said, "C'mon, now, boy, you don't want to die from cancer, do you?" My friend was so upset. She had not expected the doctor to do this and she had not adequately taught her son to say, "No, thank you." Or "We don't do that in our family." And then get up and LEAVE. In terms of paid work, I know that Children's Health Defense is always looking for good writers and some of the nation's best lawyers who try HPV and other vaccine-injury cases are often hiring.

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And now in many blue states (I’m in WA), the doctor is required to kick the parents out of the room during their child’s exam after the age of 12. I was infuriated when this happened to me. I no longer take my kids to the doctor. If something is really serious, we’ll go to urgent care.

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That's crazy!!

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p.s. I'm so glad my research has been helpful to you and your family. 🥰

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I’m so happy to hear that you were able to exempt your children!❤️

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National health freedom coalition is another organization to check out. Not sure if they are hiring now, but I know they have openings occasionally and they’d love someone like you that is so passionate on this topic.

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Erika, I heard that National Health Freedom Coalition is going to be hiring a fundraiser. If you’re interested, I can put you in touch with my mom, who is on their board.

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Aug 16Liked by Jennifer Margulis

This product is one of my biggest life regrets. My daughter received her first in 2013 and second in 2014. The side effects changed our lives forever and almost killed her. She suffered horribly for many years and missed out on going to high school and having a normal life. To this day, she still suffers. Thank you for bringing this information to print. I pray that many others will read this and stop others from potential life-changing damage.

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I'm so sorry to hear this, Regretful Mom. We all do our best with the information we have. There are so many things I wish I could go back and do differently. Your poor girl. I hate to hear that she is still suffering. I will be publishing another HPV-related article tomorrow. So please come back and read it. (It's very very long and includes several stories of young women who had severe HPV-vaccine-related reactions.) Thank you for sharing your story. I share your prayer that more people, especially parents, inform themselves about this vaccine and do their own risk-benefit analysis instead of simply following the herd.

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I can't tell you how many similar stories I have heard. It breaks my heart that so many young people were lied to about the risks and the benefits of the vaccine.

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Thank you so much for this information. My daughters were the only ones in their class not to have this vaccine and were made to feel freaks for refusing it . They even had to stand in line with the other class members . I’m keeping your words in a safe place to pass on to anyone who is intelligent enough to question. Sadly most choose not to .

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I'm sorry that your daughters were treated this way for making an informed, evidence-based decision in the best interest of their health and well-being. Why do we put more trust in Big Pharma than in our own bodies? It's a sad state of affairs. Tomorrow I'll be publishing another HPV related article. Please check back to read it, Fiona. And thank you for taking the time to comment and share your story.

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Aug 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

That's infuriating. One of the huge problems with school-based vaccination programs is just that sort of peer pressure. Many have the mindset that that is a good thing, of course, and that itself is something we have to change.

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Aug 23Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Such a coincidence- that was 10 yrs ago now but just woken up by grandchild crying in the early hours and was dreaming of heated discussion with school nurse about not vaccinating - only to then see your comment ! Amazing .

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Thank you Jennifer for this excellent article.

Since HPV vaccines were introduced the question was raised as to whether these so called cancer vaccines may actually increase the risk of cancer.

It is utterly heartbreaking that after many millions have received the vaccines this appears to be the case, yet they are still being promoted.

This article was first published in 2012 by Sanevax and Vactruth:



In 2018 reports were published regarding increase in cervical cancer rates amongst HPV-vaccinated, including the situation for Scandinavian and European countries, US and Australia.


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I like how that article mentions the fact that "It is being widely predicted that cervical cancer will be eliminated by HPV vaccination." I have seen claims similar to that over and over again, and we can see from the current data that that is not going to be the case. Anyone who thinks so at this point is simply delusional.

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

They lie every time about every drug.

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Maybe not about every drug, Crixcyon? Some of my nearest and dearest have been helped by life-saving medicines. Which is not to say that there was not another route they may have been able to take. It's so hard to know. Since holistically minded medical practitioners and conventionally minded medical practitioners don't communicate and work together as they should...

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It's important to understand the REASONS for the lies.

When it comes to "childhood vaccines," the greatest profit lies in getting your vaccine recommended for the entire child population and then getting states to mandate it. Merck was successful in getting Gardasil on the schedule for all girls and then--bonus!--for all boys too. That was a huge coup. The only saving grace so far is that most states have declined to add it to their list of "required" vaccines."

Once a vaccine is on the childhood schedule, it is covered by the National Injury Compensation Program and the manufacturer has essentially escaped liability.

The current lawsuits are only being allowed to proceed because they allege that Merck defrauded the government and the public with their claims. I think it's pretty clear they DID defraud the public, so there's a chance we'll actually see Merck suffer for (some of) their sins.

Other drugs are not covered, so the manufacturers are liable for the harms they cause. That's why you see billion-dollar settlements for drugs like Vioxx. Yes, they lied about Vioxx, too, because they were making so much money from it that the fines and settlements amounted to little more than a slap on the wrist. With drugs that are not THAT profitable the manufacturers have a vested interest in minimizing the harm they cause.

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

In addition to cancer, after the rollout of Gardasil I began seeing a ton of POTS which wasn't really even being diagnosed back then. And that explosion of a once rare diagnosis blew up again after covid vax. I just wrote a Substack on this if you're interested: https://rossrosen.substack.com/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-pots-with

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

They ignore all the co-factors that actually make HPV potentially injurious. If they taught healthy eating, discriminating sexual practices, no smoking, limited alcohol/drug intake... and continued pap screening, so much progress could be made. But where's the profit in that?

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Thank you for this comment, Meggie. There is no profit in healthy happy well-adjusted humans. Except for the organic arugula farmers. And I've never met an organic farmer who was motivated by money...

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Hi Maggie,

Please note that you can get HPV from non sexual related activities.

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This is not the ONLY vaccine that they’ve lied about! And because of the amount of deaths because of these vaccines, and using mRNA technology, which should never be used in humans, and that is stated by the man that designed it, I think they need to go to jail for premeditated murder ‼️ maybe have some trial like the Nuremberg trials in Germany? Let’s make these people accountable 🤯 …. let me add that the doctors aren’t giving informed consent either and legally they have to, but they haven’t!

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It's hard to inform people of the real risks if you don't KNOW the real risks, and unfortunately that is the case for the majority of doctors.

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The issue is that a lot of them do know the risks, but I agree that many probably due to the time frame and also to the system itself they may not know the risks. It’s like the reporting system in my mind going blank right now but the reporting system for the vaccine injury from the mRNA vaccine. It was taking Doctors so long to put it in and then you would lose the information and have to go back and start over so Doctors stopped doing it. I know plenty of physicians some personally and they actually told me this so a lot of these injuries were not recorded with the mRNA vaccine which should never be used on a human being. The scientist that created technology said so himself. Depopulation.

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

We did not do HPV jabs for our teens, thank goodness, but the high school health centers really push stuff like this so you have to be wary and not sign anything that allows them to treat your child at school without your consent. A niece has had health issues after having this one. I also thought I read or heard that the HPV jab actually makes things worse if you already have a strain of the virus beforehand, so only really works for those not infected. Though I think it also only covers some of the strains, supposedly!

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Yes, it especially problematic for those who have already been exposed to HPV. I’d be extended wary of keeping your kids in a public school if you live in a blue state--many of them have or are installed “health centers” in the schools to treat your child’s mental issues, gender dysphoria, unwanted pregnancy, or give vaccinations, all without your knowledge or consent.

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Extremely wary. Dang autocorrect...

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

All they have to do to treat your child without your consent is to deem them a “mature minor,” then the child can give consent.

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To ❤️ or not to ❤️. I love you are sharing this and informing us but I hate the information, side effects, rise in cancers in certain demos. Another example of the public perception that vaccines will save us from the need to be smart and take responsibility for our actions. So so sad.

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Pharma has told us that HPV has some long-term features, and has used scare tactics in common with other, ahem, illnesses. The idea that a body has this dormant something, for many years, which can suddenly manifest into cancer. This notion was used for HIV, remember, which could supposedly lie dormant for years before manifesting as a syndrome, which was really just a list of symptoms. We saw people with HIV who did not develop AIDS. We saw people who develop AIDS symptoms without any sign of HIV; as evidenced with a dodgy test. We have not shown that a virus causes cancer. We have not shown that it can cause it 10-20 years in the future.

But hey, what do I know? Selling the fear makes money; cervix or no cervix.

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It's not quite the same as HIV. With HPV infection, cervical cell changes are often visible long before cancer develops. That's why Pap tests have cut cervical cancer incidence so much. And cancer is usually a disease that takes years to decades to develop.

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Aug 15Liked by Jennifer Margulis

All lies!!

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Aug 21Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Wow. I was just older than the first cohort of HPV vaccines, but was nonetheless pushed to get it even though I was a bit older than the age they recommended it for. I mostly didn’t do it out of laziness. Glad now I didn’t!!

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You made the right decision, for sure, Kris.

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Aug 20Liked by Jennifer Margulis

This is an area the ANH teams have looked closely at, since the HPV vaccines were first introduced in 2008, including making a film about some of the young women harmed by the HPV jabs. We published an update on the jabs in 2022 due to the concerns you've so eloquently expressed Jennifer. https://www.anhinternational.org/news/more-concerns-over-hpv-vaccine-safety-and-effectiveness/.

Here are a couple more articles on the same subject:

Why ANH founder wouldn't give consent for his daughter to receive the HPV vaccine -https://www.anhinternational.org/2017/07/12/hpv-vaccine-risk-uninformed-consent/

Probably our most heavily commented article: https://www.anhinternational.org/2017/01/18/official-hpv-vaccine-vaccine-dangerous-yet/

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Thank you for these links, Melissa.

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