What is so astonishing is the fact that the doctors are silent about the surge in adverse effects from the vaccines. Have they institutionalized psychopathy in medicine?

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They are afraid to lose their licenses and their standing in the community. I know many medical doctors who are telling their patients to avoid any and all further COVID vaccines and to consider not doing any other vaccines for the time being. But these doctors are afraid to speak up in any kind of public way. They stay behind the scenes. Some of them are donating large amounts of money to the most vocal of their colleagues. Anonymously, of course...

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I am an M.D from Florida. Vaccines have killed 2 of my family members. I was blocked and censored for even posting that tragic death..I want to share a personal story about Bobby Kennedy when he called me after my brother died. Then let me share more vaccine facts for your viewers/supporters....Our younger brother was also an M.D..When the swine flu vaccine came out about 14 years ago he actually called Dr Fauci's office and asked if he should take it. Fauci/his office said yes. He took it and 7 days later he became paralyzed from vaccine paralysis(Guillain-Barre paralysis). He stayed hooked up to breathing machines and he finally died 2 months later. During those 2 months, Fauci withdrew this dangerous vaccine because thousands of others were paralyzed and even died also. Did you ever know that?I posted this on Facebook and it was deleted and I was attacked and vilified and censored and called names for telling the facts. Bobby Kennedy reached out to me to comfort and offer his prayers for our family..He asked me to share my story but I was not strong enough and feared for my family and career.My mother was an R.N. from Florida...She was the Head Nurse for the ER ...She and her staff gave 10,000 vaccines but stopped giving vaccines when she saw the reactions..Ironically, she died from forced, mandatory vaccines ordered to keep her job.My sister was an RN in charge of the County Health Department Vaccination Department. She and her staff gave 100,000 vaccines and then quit when she saw the reactions. My wife was an R.N. and she did not believe the CDC that vaccines were safe, effective, or did not have side effects. either, My 2 brothers were M.D.'s= OB-GYNs bringing life into the world and they did not believe the CDC and stopped giving vaccines when they saw the reactions..I am also an M.D. I have had these reactions with prior vaccines..I will not discuss my side effects..I work on the front line treating patients face-to-face but did not take the COVID mRNA "vaccines"...In 2020 I got COVID and I was cured with 'Iver mectin' ($18).- I was then blocked from Facebook--What did I say-- I said, "Research what FAUCI says...Research what I say." But, folks, I am seeing co-workers, friends, and patients with vaccine side effects...COVID-19 injections were "Emergency Use Authorization" fluids and were never vaccines and are not what we were promised. Did you ever wonder why Fauci has never told us how to improve our immune system in 450 TV interviews? I wish we had mandatory Vitamin C and vitamin D and Zinc and Iver mectin, being considered by the politicians instead of mandatory, forced vaccines and boosters forever and mandatory mask mandates that were planned and enforced even on babies...The evidence confirms that Fauci funded Gain of Function GMO mutant, lethal viruses. Don’t be me..... I am an M.D. but let me tell you what parents, politicians, teachers, neighbors, the media, and even doctors didn’t know..... We did not know that Vaccines had not been tested against placebos for safety or long-term safety.... We did not know the ingredients of vaccines..... We did not know enough to research vaccines before vaccinating my own children..We did not know that vaccines were given a blanket immunity/indemnity from liability in 1986 (they cannot be sued)......We did not know that we gave more vaccines than any other country.....We did not know that we are the only country that gives newborn babies Hepatitis B vaccines ( against a sexually transmitted disease) on the 1st day of life..We did not know that the US has the highest rate of SIDS in the industrialized world on the 2nd day of life... We did not know that we had more autism than any other country.....We did not know that Vaccines could injure an infant's brain (encephalitis from the cytokine storm) .. We did not know that vaccines can result in autoimmunity and neurological damage..We did not know that the much-ballyhooed fallacy of ''herd immunity'' does NOT apply to vaccines and is a myth created by the CDC and by Merck and Pfizer Vaccine Company for the media to tell us is the reason to get vaccines..We did not know that Vaccines have almost NO effect after about four years and the new COVID vaccine only lasts 4 months..We did not know that more college students are getting mumps and measles because they have no protection from these childhood illnesses from their childhood vaccines....We did not know that the measles vaccine only comes in the MMR now but the single version of just the measles vaccine was safer and not causing autism..We did not know that Dr.Wakefield was proven to be right...We did not know that when adults get their DPT vaccines to visit their grandchildren that the "P" pertussis = whooping cough infection is actually still alive in them and they carry the pertussis and are then contagious like "Typhoid Mary'', and these adults are actually carrying the infection and then spreading pertussis=whooping cough...We did not know how emotional the topic would be and how angry people would be at me for just asking questions about Vaccine Safety..I did not know that pediatricians do not even know the vaccine ingredients, like mercury, aluminum, and Human DNA and neurotoxic aluminum molecules, and glyphosate/RoundUp..... We did not know that pediatricians were paid a ''kick-back'' to give vaccines.We did not know there was a Federal law to report vaccine reactions in America but almost zero pediatricians know that and about zero vaccine reactions are ever reported.We did not know it was called VAERS (look it up)...I did not know that there is a "Vaccine Court" that doles out money to vaccine victims...I did not know that it has already paid out over $$$ 4 Billion dollars .. We did not know that the CDC owned the Patents on vaccines and earned billions of dollars a year selling vaccines worldwide.We did not know that the US government promised countries financial aid only if they ordered their people to take the CDC's vaccines and the US CDC now controls the W.H.O. and the vaccine makers now control the CDC...WTH!!..I did not know how angry at myself I would be for not knowing but only believing what our medical schools and TV ads told us...We did not know that the CDC committed fraud...We did not know that it would take a CDC whistleblower to discover the CDC fraud... I did not know that Merck committed fraud repeatedly..... I did not know that the neurotoxic mercury and aluminum ingredients in vaccines are connected to brain inflammation and brain inflammation. This cytokine storm is connected to autism and connected to my mother's acute, progressive, and fatal Alzheimer's after being required to take 8 vaccines to keep her job..( is this the contributing cause of everyone's Alzheimer's since the 1st case happened 100 years ago) ..I did not know that a flu vaccine could kill you like it killed my brother by causing Guillain-Barre Paralysis....... I did not know how much mainstream media would censor the independent research..... I did not know it would take me so many years to wake up...I did not know how fast and furious the vaccine makers would be to smear excellent doctors and researchers that showed unsafe side effects, just like what happened when Vioxx and Thalidomide and DDT and cigarettes were questioned..We did not know that the CDC has never studied a group that is divided into a ''vaccinated group'' and compared them to an ''unvaccinated group''..We did not know that every other independent researcher who has made the comparison between those 2 groups has shown that the UN-vaccinated group is healthier and the VAXinated group has many times more asthma, SIDS, auto-immune diseases, ADD, ADHD, autism, chronic rashes, deadly allergic reactions to peanuts, milk, beef, latex, etc. and their parents need to carry Epi-Pens..We did not know that the Vaccine researchers studied African children and found that the children there who GOT vaccinated, especially with the CDC's DPT vaccine were 5 times (Yes, five times) for likely to die before the age of 5.We did not know that the doctors on every news show who are the vaccine maker's mouthpieces were actually getting millions from the vaccine profits and were never questioned or exposed

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Good to know that some drs have a conscience still.

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The astra zeneca vaccine gave me kidney disease!! I now have grade 4 kidney disease and heading for dialasis!!

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So sorry for what happened to you, Janete.

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May you find the healing that is best for you. There are some instances out there of people who have found healing. May there be many more.

I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice, but if there anyone is reading this who doesn't already know about it, there is some good information from FLCCC at this link:


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I am so sorry to hear this, Janete. Have you filed a claim? If you feel comfortable sharing, we would all be grateful to hear more about what you have experienced.

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Hi Jennifer

no I have no filed a claim. I am in Australia and I have only been diagnosed in the past month but looking back over annual blood tests the doc said it would appear that my kidneys have deteriorated since the covid jab… she said the spike protein appears to find the weakest link! Still trying to get my head around all this!

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So much to deal with. I have a friend who has been living with stage 4 kidney disease since we were both in our twenties. She's amazing. And the disease was caused by a bad reaction to a prescription medication. I'm sorry you are going through this. Do you feel like you shouldn't have gotten the vaccine(s)? I don't know how the vaccine-injury reporting system works in Australia. Do you?

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Thanks for your reply! Your friend still going with stage 4 gives me hope! I am seeing a kidney naturopath so hoping to be able to stop the progression naturally!

As far as the vax goes… I never wanted it and was coerced … I am single, I had a mortgage and no family support and needed to keep my job! I since have found an unvaxed community and so wish I had known them at the time…. I will ask my doc about reporting this as a vax injury …cheers to you! Keep up your great work!

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Don’t worry, “models” show that a gazillion lives were saved even though the only people who died pre vaxx were murdered with ventilators. And all the suffering and death magically started immediately after the jabs rolled out. Imagine how much worse this death would have been without the jab. His organs shutting would have been so much more painful. Uncle couldn’t walk for two months after his jab. Stepmom has pancreatic cancer. Mom keeps ending up in the ER. Female cousin had colon cancer. Her mom went blind and had shingles. Sister can’t understand why “EVERYONE suddenly has cancer”. Aunts friend had a heart attack in her 40’s. Had the body of gymnast. Everyone of these people minus my aunt still thinks I’m a whack job.

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All of this has been so normalized by people, even some of whom are truly freethinkers when it comes to other things, who just can't come to grips with the idea that humans around the world were mistaken, duped, and used to make other humans rich... I'm sorry about all the health issues your family has been dealing with. That's too much.

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It's a lot to come to grips with. Indeed.

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I'm living in the same world. It's really bizarre and so sad.

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You're seeing family members and friends getting sick in ways you have never witnessed before? (And it's not simply age-related or "genetic"?) We'd love to hear more if you feel comfortable sharing. p.s. I wish Substack had more reaction options to comments. I hearted your comment not because I like the content but to show you I read it and am thinking about it and sharing your feelings of bizarreness and grief...

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Hi Jennifer Margulis, In answer to your question:

Apart from a case of a pronounced facial tic, I wouldn't say that what I'm seeing in my personal circles in the way of possible covid jab injuries is all that different from the various things I've seen in years past; the difference is the numbers. It's too many, waaay too many previously healthy people getting sick and dying, a number of them suddenly, and many developing chronic health problems— and this uptick commenced with the covid jabs roll out in 2021-22.

I will say that there is one other case, of a colleague, that stands out to me. Previously she was in vibrant health, very active, a world traveler-- after her 3rd covid jab she got myocarditis. I'm no spring chicken but I had never heard the term myocarditis until 2022. She ended up in the ICU with that, and recovered somewhat, and then started getting problems in her feet, such that after I had dinner with her in a restaurant, she asked me to hold her arm coming down the stairs to the parking lot since she couldn't feel her feet. In the conversation it was clear to me that she was not her normal self, that she had some brain fog. I probably shouldn't have gotten in the car with her— she got lost, and this is a neighborhood she knew like the back of her hand. I told her, as gently as I could, that I thought she might look into the issues with her feet losing their feeling as being a covid jab injury. I have not heard from her since.

Since I have transcribed so many testimonies of bereaved and injured, in addition to testimonies from experts (and this in addition to my own research) I am now, sadly, quite familiar with the array of adverse reactions following the covid jabs-- clots, stroke, aneurysm, aFib, tachycardia, heart attack, myocarditis, pericarditis, various neurological issues, various GI issues, various bleeding disorders, muskuloskeletal issues, and various other autoimmune injuries. And turbo cancers. The transcripts of testimonies of injured and bereaved are gathered here:


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On reflection, there are 2 more cases in my personal circles that are unusual and both appeared shortly after the jabs. One was a very elderly man (since passed away), the other a healthy woman in her 50s (whose problem resolved after many weeks of physical therapy). After the jabs, both started to have trouble using their hands. I have never in my long life, and with many close elderly relatives, known of anyone with such a problem before. A number of the testimonies I have transcribed mention this problem-- so I can only conclude that sudden onset of weakness in the hands may very possibly be a jab injury. For example:

Alicia Smith Testifies Before the Louisiana House of Representatives About Her Jab Injury

"I used to be a hair stylist, but my hands don't work like they used to."

Source video:

"Louisiana citizen testifies on her vaccine injury"

Louisiana Freedom, Nov 13, 2021 [filmed 11/8/21]


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/167223.html

PS This is one I was surprised to still find on YouTube. Many such were taken down.

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No more vaxes until every medical professional is fully vaxxed first!!

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Right. Let all of these morons receive the full childhood schedule. All in one day. There is no possible chance of harm so just get er done.

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My dear friend Dr June Meymand died on May 3 2021, the very same way.

She had a brilliant mind and a talent for healing, as she owned an integrative cancer care practice. She healed through diet, supplements and faith.

Dr June strongly advised against the vax, but may have had to take it, in order to keep her practice open. We will never know.

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I'm sorry you lost your friend.

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Many people had amputations after the Covid vaccinehttps://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/argentina-lawyer-vax-trial-whistleblower:3?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Yes, this is sadly so.

"Alex Mitchell"


March 29, 2022



Thought it was time to try this. My apologies for the accent lol


ALEX MITCHELL: Good afternoon everybody. My name's Alex Mitchell. I'm 57 years old. I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I was a full-time scaffolder. And on Saturday the 20th of March 2021 I received my first AstraZeneca vaccination, went home, and felt like everyone else, do what you can.

Twelve days later, on the first of April, and the irony's not lost on me, I thought I had exploded my calf muscles. I am a scaffolder, we pull muscles on a regular basis, nothing unusual. By that Saturday I was in agony. Sunday I felt slightly better. Sunday the 4th of April, felt tired, I felt OK, I then collapsed at home. Was [inaudible] to the hospital and basically was told I was in serious trouble. My family were taken into a private room, and it was explained to them that there was was no hope, they had never seen anything, this situation ever before, and that the, they really didn't know how to help me, but they were going to try.

Thankful they saved my life. I am now an amputee from above the knee—



# # # 


For more detail about Alex Mitchell's case, see:

Alex Mitchell And His Fight For Vaccine-Induced Thrombocytopenia Sufferers

by Iain Davis, June 6, 2022


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Thank you for sharing such important information which is absolutely heartbreaking.

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Thanks for reading.

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I have to read this, as I have countless other accounts, if only to be a witness to the vaccine-injury that dare not speak its name in our our cancel culture/Pharma fraud world.

Thank you for posting it so I can feel heartbreak and compassion for Neil Miller's family, and ongoing bewilderment and revulsion toward the players that set this whole thing in motion.

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Heartbreaking and unfortunately not isolated. I’m praying for one day soon all of this will be mainstream news for the world to hear.

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I was at a lunch today where my friends were talking about 3 of their friends who dropped dead on the dance floor in the past few years. They're very nice people but have yet to connect the dots. These cases aren't isolated at all. At least the New York Times did a tiny bit of reporting on the dangers of the AZ vaccine early on. I'm thinking of this article, and there were some others as well... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/10/health/astrazeneca-vaccine-blood-clots.html It's time for every newspaper, blogger, and podcaster in the country to pay attention. The nail on the coffin of the Covid vaccine program should have been driven in years ago...

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Worse than that, I have a buddy who has had at least 3 friends drop “suddenly”. And I dare to criticize the “expert” response. I have presented him with mountains of data from “official sources”. His response- “you are a Qanon whack job”.

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It sounds like he is in such a state of cognitive dissonance that he can't think rationally. All he can do is shoot the messenger (you). You may want to remind him that that didn't work so well for Macbeth...

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I call it groupthink dream logic. And I think very apt what Bret Weinstein said in that now famous podcast with Dr Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch back in 2021-- something about how people would react to information about the problems with the covid jabs that they don't want to hear with "squid ink." As I experience it, yes, it's just like that, a nasty dark squirt / cloud. They just get angry and start accusing me of reading krank stuff / being a kook or, also-- really bizarre to me-- that I must just love the Bad Orange Man. Like, huh? I see fire, there's smoke, I'm telling you, look, your house is on fire and you're telling me la-la-la I must love hoola-hoops.

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And there was also this article in 2021 ... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/12/health/covid-vaccine-death.html

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We are all essential, anyone saying otherwise is the 1st clue something is dead wrong, just wish you could've herd me screaming at the top of my lungs

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I agree, Tom. It was so demoralizing and dehumanizing for some workers to be deemed "essential," as if everyone else was expendable and unnecessary...

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I am an M.D from Florida. Vaccines have killed 2 of my family members. I was blocked and censored for even posting that tragic death..I want to share a personal story about Bobby Kennedy when he called me after my brother died. Then let me share more vaccine facts for your viewers/supporters....Our younger brother was also an M.D..When the swine flu vaccine came out about 14 years ago he actually called Dr Fauci's office and asked if he should take it. Fauci/his office said yes. He took it and 7 days later he became paralyzed from vaccine paralysis(Guillain-Barre paralysis). He stayed hooked up to breathing machines and he finally died 2 months later. During those 2 months, Fauci withdrew this dangerous vaccine because thousands of others were paralyzed and even died also. Did you ever know that?I posted this on Facebook and it was deleted and I was attacked and vilified and censored and called names for telling the facts. Bobby Kennedy reached out to me to comfort and offer his prayers for our family..He asked me to share my story but I was not strong enough and feared for my family and career.My mother was an R.N. from Florida...She was the Head Nurse for the ER ...She and her staff gave 10,000 vaccines but stopped giving vaccines when she saw the reactions..Ironically, she died from forced, mandatory vaccines ordered to keep her job.My sister was an RN in charge of the County Health Department Vaccination Department. She and her staff gave 100,000 vaccines and then quit when she saw the reactions. My wife was an R.N. and she did not believe the CDC that vaccines were safe, effective, or did not have side effects. either, My 2 brothers were M.D.'s= OB-GYNs bringing life into the world and they did not believe the CDC and stopped giving vaccines when they saw the reactions..I am also an M.D. I have had these reactions with prior vaccines..I will not discuss my side effects..I work on the front line treating patients face-to-face but did not take the COVID mRNA "vaccines"...In 2020 I got COVID and I was cured with 'Iver mectin' ($18).- I was then blocked from Facebook--What did I say-- I said, "Research what FAUCI says...Research what I say." But, folks, I am seeing co-workers, friends, and patients with vaccine side effects...COVID-19 injections were "Emergency Use Authorization" fluids and were never vaccines and are not what we were promised. Did you ever wonder why Fauci has never told us how to improve our immune system in 450 TV interviews? I wish we had mandatory Vitamin C and vitamin D and Zinc and Iver mectin, being considered by the politicians instead of mandatory, forced vaccines and boosters forever and mandatory mask mandates that were planned and enforced even on babies...The evidence confirms that Fauci funded Gain of Function GMO mutant, lethal viruses. Don’t be me..... I am an M.D. but let me tell you what parents, politicians, teachers, neighbors, the media, and even doctors didn’t know..... We did not know that Vaccines had not been tested against placebos for safety or long-term safety.... We did not know the ingredients of vaccines..... We did not know enough to research vaccines before vaccinating my own children..We did not know that vaccines were given a blanket immunity/indemnity from liability in 1986 (they cannot be sued)......We did not know that we gave more vaccines than any other country.....We did not know that we are the only country that gives newborn babies Hepatitis B vaccines ( against a sexually transmitted disease) on the 1st day of life..We did not know that the US has the highest rate of SIDS in the industrialized world on the 2nd day of life... We did not know that we had more autism than any other country.....We did not know that Vaccines could injure an infant's brain (encephalitis from the cytokine storm) .. We did not know that vaccines can result in autoimmunity and neurological damage..We did not know that the much-ballyhooed fallacy of ''herd immunity'' does NOT apply to vaccines and is a myth created by the CDC and by Merck and Pfizer Vaccine Company for the media to tell us is the reason to get vaccines..We did not know that Vaccines have almost NO effect after about four years and the new COVID vaccine only lasts 4 months..We did not know that more college students are getting mumps and measles because they have no protection from these childhood illnesses from their childhood vaccines....We did not know that the measles vaccine only comes in the MMR now but the single version of just the measles vaccine was safer and not causing autism..We did not know that Dr.Wakefield was proven to be right...We did not know that when adults get their DPT vaccines to visit their grandchildren that the "P" pertussis = whooping cough infection is actually still alive in them and they carry the pertussis and are then contagious like "Typhoid Mary'', and these adults are actually carrying the infection and then spreading pertussis=whooping cough...We did not know how emotional the topic would be and how angry people would be at me for just asking questions about Vaccine Safety..I did not know that pediatricians do not even know the vaccine ingredients, like mercury, aluminum, and Human DNA and neurotoxic aluminum molecules, and glyphosate/RoundUp..... We did not know that pediatricians were paid a ''kick-back'' to give vaccines.We did not know there was a Federal law to report vaccine reactions in America but almost zero pediatricians know that and about zero vaccine reactions are ever reported.We did not know it was called VAERS (look it up)...I did not know that there is a "Vaccine Court" that doles out money to vaccine victims...I did not know that it has already paid out over $$$ 4 Billion dollars .. We did not know that the CDC owned the Patents on vaccines and earned billions of dollars a year selling vaccines worldwide.We did not know that the US government promised countries financial aid only if they ordered their people to take the CDC's vaccines and the US CDC now controls the W.H.O. and the vaccine makers now control the CDC...WTH!!..I did not know how angry at myself I would be for not knowing but only believing what our medical schools and TV ads told us...We did not know that the CDC committed fraud...We did not know that it would take a CDC whistleblower to discover the CDC fraud... I did not know that Merck committed fraud repeatedly..... I did not know that the neurotoxic mercury and aluminum ingredients in vaccines are connected to brain inflammation and brain inflammation. This cytokine storm is connected to autism and connected to my mother's acute, progressive, and fatal Alzheimer's after being required to take 8 vaccines to keep her job..( is this the contributing cause of everyone's Alzheimer's since the 1st case happened 100 years ago) ..I did not know that a flu vaccine could kill you like it killed my brother by causing Guillain-Barre Paralysis....... I did not know how much mainstream media would censor the independent research..... I did not know it would take me so many years to wake up...I did not know how fast and furious the vaccine makers would be to smear excellent doctors and researchers that showed unsafe side effects, just like what happened when Vioxx and Thalidomide and DDT and cigarettes were questioned..We did not know that the CDC has never studied a group that is divided into a ''vaccinated group'' and compared them to an ''unvaccinated group''..We did not know that every other independent researcher who has made the comparison between those 2 groups has shown that the UN-vaccinated group is healthier and the VAXinated group has many times more asthma, SIDS, auto-immune diseases, ADD, ADHD, autism, chronic rashes, deadly allergic reactions to peanuts, milk, beef, latex, etc. and their parents need to carry Epi-Pens..We did not know that the Vaccine researchers studied African children and found that the children there who GOT vaccinated, especially with the CDC's DPT vaccine were 5 times (Yes, five times) for likely to die before the age of 5.We did not know that the doctors on every news show who are the vaccine maker's mouthpieces were actually getting millions from the vaccine profits and were never questioned or exposed

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Democide = death by government. I pray hard each & every day for the vaxxed injured & those who've lost loved ones. No one will escape Judgment Day & I have to believe Justice will be served, either in this lifetime or the next. In the meantime, I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny. In God we Trust. Blessings & gratitude to you JM ...

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And most doctors are incredibly proud also as the reap the financial benefits.

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Literal heartbreak.

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What a dreadful story. May he rest in peace.

Thank you for reporting.

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His widow's words really stay with me. The world moves on, "it's over" for them, but all these tens of thousands of people who died suddenly after being vaccinated aren't coming back. And the hundreds of thousands more who have had their health devastated are suffering silently or being vilified and ridiculed for speaking up. It's all so sad and upside down.

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Even with conventional vaccines




Pseudo-mRNA is even more so because it is pseudo-labeled so that it does not break down in the body.

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