It has always completely baffled me that people will take the side of pharmaceutical companies over the mothers of vaccine injured children. I think we are seeing the end of this phenomenon though. Truly. It is time for the mothers to be the truth tellers for all of humanity, and I think a lot of people are finally awake enough to listen.
"It has always completely baffled me that people will take the side of pharmaceutical companies over the mothers of vaccine-injured children." Me too, AM Moon. It makes no sense. How could anyone, ever, think a pharmaceutical company is telling the truth while a mother is lying or imagining something? Every pediatrician on the planet knows that moms (and dads) know their children best, have the most stake in their children's welfare, and are desperately trying to do what's right by their children. With very very few exceptions (there are sociopaths who are also moms).
I love Zen's comment when asked if she thinks that her views sound like "conspiracy theories." On the contrary, she said that she is more worried about the systematic censorship on the media by corporations who have a financial interest in maintain the media's misinformation campaigns.
In 2000 I attended the Third [or was it the second] International Conference on Vaccinations organized by NVIC. Republican Representative Dan Burton from Indiana gave the Keynote address. His grandson descended into severe autism shortly after getting 9 poisonous jabs in one day. Dr. Andrew Wakefield was given a courage in science award.
The attendees came from all walks of life, doctors, lawyers, but mostly parents who had seen the damage that the "safe and effective" injections could quite easily accomplish.
A healthy child is no longer healthy--how could this be?
As Dan Burton was speaking, me, a naive democrat from Oregon asked Kathi Williams, one of NVIC's conference organizers, "Where are the DEMOCRATS". Kathi replied, "there aren't any". And there we have it--there aren't any. Twenty-five years later--there aren't any. There aren't any! There aren't any! Am I clear on this matter?
That is the epitaph of the Democratic party. It died in my mind. They solidly believed pharma, and ignored parents.
Do I bore any ill-will towards DEMOCRATS? Absolutely, Oregon DEMOCRATS especially. Yes, they abandoned every principle I believed in, which I thought was fundamental to being a democrat, and why I was a democrat. Boy was I misinformed and mistaken. Live and Learn.
I've been writing in RFK Jr. for President on two previous general election ballots.
Jennifer, thank you for all that you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel this way too, Michael. Oregon Democrats, nearly to a person, "abandoned every principle I believed in, which I thought was fundamental to being a Democrat, and why I was a Democrat. Boy was I misinformed and mistaken. Live and Learn."
It's the worst. I recently made a very minor remark (to a small group of friends) that was something about the covid/vax/media lies (I can't remember exactly), and I was quickly put back in my place by a retort that 'it sounds like you've been getting your information from social media'. I'm too polite to respond as I would like, with something along the lines of 'it sounds like you've been getting yours from paid propagandists in MSM'. The reality is that people who have stood against all the things imposed on us in the name of health and safety, particularly these last four years, have probably read more research and analysis than the average university student.
"The reality is that people who have stood against all the things imposed on us in the name of health and safety, particularly these last four years, have probably read more research and analysis then the average university student." So so true.
There’s a lot of talk about how people have “lost faith in science” these past few years. I think it’s just the opposite. People have more faith in science and are making more of an effort to understand the difference between “science” and “ScienceTM”. Guess who says “Don’t try this at home!”
So true! Moms are better at investigating things when it comes to something involving our loved ones. Good for Zen for taking a stand for her family. I appreciate her tenacity.
BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! On CNN..........imagine. Can we guess what is next? The food industry and pharma are going to come up with "healthy" artifical food and so called "safe" vacs .......but, wait.........TOO LATE! I still marvel at how this vital work is criticised if better health is a bad thing. The power of propaganda media, but then, alas, again ...........TOO LATE. Thank you for another brilliant piece - this one giving us great hope.
I was beyond grateful to see this on CNN, which is such a mainstream and liberal media source. I feel like they did some true journalism for the first time in a long time. Letting her tell her perspective, asking the CDC to weigh in. It wasn't a love letter to Zen but it was a fair and balanced reported piece. All children health advocates and the vaccine safety concerned have ever asked is fair reporting, something we have rarely gotten. (When PBS interviewed me years ago they called the piece "The Vaccine War" after I had spoken at length about how people co-existed happily and the idea that parents are at odds was mostly a media construct. Then they filmed a 2.5-hour conversation I and two others had with the head of Jackson County Public Health, a wonderful M.D. who admitted on camera that I knew a lot more about vaccines than he did. They took a few seconds from that conversation completely out of context, perfectly calculated to make me look like a selfish jerk. Seth Mnookian then called me an 'asshole' publicly, without making any effort to get in touch with me or ask me for my point of view. They deleted the two doctors they interviewed who were articulate and balanced, Dr. Jay Gordon and Dr. Bob Sears. Expunged them from the final version of the documentary. So they set up the debate, I mean "war," as a fight between rational white-haired mostly male scientists on one side and hysterical moms on the other, which is far, far from the truth. The editors at PBS did their job so well--vilifying vaccine safety advocates--that I was deluged with hate mail.) May we see more real reporting and balanced two-sided pieces on vaccine safety, food safety, and toxins in the environment on CNN and every other news outlet in the country.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting receives $500,000,000 per year of tax-payer dollars and each citizen pays $1.35 per year for their misinformation, lies of omission, lies of commission.
De-fund NPR/PBS and deport the entire main stream media to another planet where they can do no harm
I seriously doubt that CNN or any of the MSM will continue to cover this. They’ll be putting 70-80% of their advertising revenue at extreme risk if they do.
On the surface, it seems to be a victory of sorts, to have MSM finally publish news that seems to consider the other side of these issues. I can't shake the feeling that this is all just smoke and mirrors. Or that it will just be a vapour when those that hold the purse-strings get their way [again] and we will have a storm of articles supporting vaccines, pharma, and government over-reach.
Is it reporters or the networks who have no integrity? So sorry your expertise brought on such vitriol from ignorant people who choose not to know the truth. I applaud you for the work you do. Alligators aside, you top them all with your brains and grace.
Thank you for covering this, Jennifer. We are seeing a shift because of the bravery of mostly many, many, moms, like you, and the people who comment here. We shall continue...
> ... shut down information in order to protect the profits and the corporations. That’s the real conspiracy.”
REPLY: Now the ephemeralization of data and meaning via the web (been happening for the last 40+ years) means it is easy to erase public knowledge. Here today gone tomorrow. One of the reasons we get paper copies of all transactions including banking. Because today you have tomorrow you may not. But paper will document to some extent what you have and have done.
Information is not meaning. We should not be caught up in chasing ghosts. Rather we should listen as your Mother did to Gaia, and all the microcosmos. The truth is written in our beings and embodiment as well as the Earth.
Thank you for sharing this. Ever since a child died of measles in Ontario Canada recently, my whole family has been on an RFK Jr. bashing fest on our shared WhatsApp group. I'm glad to finally have a CNN-based article that they MIGHT take the time to listen to. I'm sick and tired of the one-sided negative articles and other media. If anyone has any details about the death of the Ontario child that may or may not disprove that he was unvaccinated or give some other insight into why he died, I would appreciate it if you would share it with me. Thanks!
Hey Dawn, I'll be curious to hear how your family responds to this CNN video, if they take the time to watch it. I didn't hear about the child who died in Ontario. I have been staying far, far away from the news for the most part. But I wonder if you share this article with them, that shows that vaccinated children can and do also get the measles (sometimes very severe cases...):
I agree that for this agenda to work. Everyone is to be oblivious to the harm that is being done to the public via corrupt governments, multinational corporations, and the ngo machine.
I think it goes beyond research and evidence . Of course it does, because logic points to the same conclusion that intuition has found out before any evidence was known as fact . This is something to celebrate in the face of all the rest
Two things that the poisoning of America accomplishes. Endless sickness and disease that enables big pharma to market endless drugs that are believed to fix the issues and really make them worse. Then finally your eventual death by poison which fits gates's and the WEF's mandates of eliminating 90% of humans to be replaced by A/I bio-humans.
It has always completely baffled me that people will take the side of pharmaceutical companies over the mothers of vaccine injured children. I think we are seeing the end of this phenomenon though. Truly. It is time for the mothers to be the truth tellers for all of humanity, and I think a lot of people are finally awake enough to listen.
"It has always completely baffled me that people will take the side of pharmaceutical companies over the mothers of vaccine-injured children." Me too, AM Moon. It makes no sense. How could anyone, ever, think a pharmaceutical company is telling the truth while a mother is lying or imagining something? Every pediatrician on the planet knows that moms (and dads) know their children best, have the most stake in their children's welfare, and are desperately trying to do what's right by their children. With very very few exceptions (there are sociopaths who are also moms).
MOMS to the rescue again!
I love Zen's comment when asked if she thinks that her views sound like "conspiracy theories." On the contrary, she said that she is more worried about the systematic censorship on the media by corporations who have a financial interest in maintain the media's misinformation campaigns.
You go grl!
Inevitably, “conspiracy theorist” has become a badge of honor.
It’s the hidden white flag of submission of the Official Narrative when they can’t win an argument with facts.
In 2000 I attended the Third [or was it the second] International Conference on Vaccinations organized by NVIC. Republican Representative Dan Burton from Indiana gave the Keynote address. His grandson descended into severe autism shortly after getting 9 poisonous jabs in one day. Dr. Andrew Wakefield was given a courage in science award.
The attendees came from all walks of life, doctors, lawyers, but mostly parents who had seen the damage that the "safe and effective" injections could quite easily accomplish.
A healthy child is no longer healthy--how could this be?
As Dan Burton was speaking, me, a naive democrat from Oregon asked Kathi Williams, one of NVIC's conference organizers, "Where are the DEMOCRATS". Kathi replied, "there aren't any". And there we have it--there aren't any. Twenty-five years later--there aren't any. There aren't any! There aren't any! Am I clear on this matter?
That is the epitaph of the Democratic party. It died in my mind. They solidly believed pharma, and ignored parents.
Do I bore any ill-will towards DEMOCRATS? Absolutely, Oregon DEMOCRATS especially. Yes, they abandoned every principle I believed in, which I thought was fundamental to being a democrat, and why I was a democrat. Boy was I misinformed and mistaken. Live and Learn.
I've been writing in RFK Jr. for President on two previous general election ballots.
Jennifer, thank you for all that you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel this way too, Michael. Oregon Democrats, nearly to a person, "abandoned every principle I believed in, which I thought was fundamental to being a Democrat, and why I was a Democrat. Boy was I misinformed and mistaken. Live and Learn."
The democrats, and the majority of republicans, didn’t “believe Pharma”, they were bought and paid for by Pharma.
It's the worst. I recently made a very minor remark (to a small group of friends) that was something about the covid/vax/media lies (I can't remember exactly), and I was quickly put back in my place by a retort that 'it sounds like you've been getting your information from social media'. I'm too polite to respond as I would like, with something along the lines of 'it sounds like you've been getting yours from paid propagandists in MSM'. The reality is that people who have stood against all the things imposed on us in the name of health and safety, particularly these last four years, have probably read more research and analysis than the average university student.
"The reality is that people who have stood against all the things imposed on us in the name of health and safety, particularly these last four years, have probably read more research and analysis then the average university student." So so true.
I just noticed a typo and fixed it (then--->than). Ugh.
There’s a lot of talk about how people have “lost faith in science” these past few years. I think it’s just the opposite. People have more faith in science and are making more of an effort to understand the difference between “science” and “ScienceTM”. Guess who says “Don’t try this at home!”
So true, Andy. Very well put.
So true! Moms are better at investigating things when it comes to something involving our loved ones. Good for Zen for taking a stand for her family. I appreciate her tenacity.
BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! On CNN..........imagine. Can we guess what is next? The food industry and pharma are going to come up with "healthy" artifical food and so called "safe" vacs .......but, wait.........TOO LATE! I still marvel at how this vital work is criticised if better health is a bad thing. The power of propaganda media, but then, alas, again ...........TOO LATE. Thank you for another brilliant piece - this one giving us great hope.
I was beyond grateful to see this on CNN, which is such a mainstream and liberal media source. I feel like they did some true journalism for the first time in a long time. Letting her tell her perspective, asking the CDC to weigh in. It wasn't a love letter to Zen but it was a fair and balanced reported piece. All children health advocates and the vaccine safety concerned have ever asked is fair reporting, something we have rarely gotten. (When PBS interviewed me years ago they called the piece "The Vaccine War" after I had spoken at length about how people co-existed happily and the idea that parents are at odds was mostly a media construct. Then they filmed a 2.5-hour conversation I and two others had with the head of Jackson County Public Health, a wonderful M.D. who admitted on camera that I knew a lot more about vaccines than he did. They took a few seconds from that conversation completely out of context, perfectly calculated to make me look like a selfish jerk. Seth Mnookian then called me an 'asshole' publicly, without making any effort to get in touch with me or ask me for my point of view. They deleted the two doctors they interviewed who were articulate and balanced, Dr. Jay Gordon and Dr. Bob Sears. Expunged them from the final version of the documentary. So they set up the debate, I mean "war," as a fight between rational white-haired mostly male scientists on one side and hysterical moms on the other, which is far, far from the truth. The editors at PBS did their job so well--vilifying vaccine safety advocates--that I was deluged with hate mail.) May we see more real reporting and balanced two-sided pieces on vaccine safety, food safety, and toxins in the environment on CNN and every other news outlet in the country.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting receives $500,000,000 per year of tax-payer dollars and each citizen pays $1.35 per year for their misinformation, lies of omission, lies of commission.
De-fund NPR/PBS and deport the entire main stream media to another planet where they can do no harm
I seriously doubt that CNN or any of the MSM will continue to cover this. They’ll be putting 70-80% of their advertising revenue at extreme risk if they do.
On the surface, it seems to be a victory of sorts, to have MSM finally publish news that seems to consider the other side of these issues. I can't shake the feeling that this is all just smoke and mirrors. Or that it will just be a vapour when those that hold the purse-strings get their way [again] and we will have a storm of articles supporting vaccines, pharma, and government over-reach.
Is it reporters or the networks who have no integrity? So sorry your expertise brought on such vitriol from ignorant people who choose not to know the truth. I applaud you for the work you do. Alligators aside, you top them all with your brains and grace.
Great article! Thank you. Very good perspective. I hope she gets a role in the government.
I do too. Zen is so smart and articulate and reasonable and fair-minded and she knows how to build bridges.
Thank you for covering this, Jennifer. We are seeing a shift because of the bravery of mostly many, many, moms, like you, and the people who comment here. We shall continue...
> ... shut down information in order to protect the profits and the corporations. That’s the real conspiracy.”
REPLY: Now the ephemeralization of data and meaning via the web (been happening for the last 40+ years) means it is easy to erase public knowledge. Here today gone tomorrow. One of the reasons we get paper copies of all transactions including banking. Because today you have tomorrow you may not. But paper will document to some extent what you have and have done.
Information is not meaning. We should not be caught up in chasing ghosts. Rather we should listen as your Mother did to Gaia, and all the microcosmos. The truth is written in our beings and embodiment as well as the Earth.
Thank you for sharing this. Ever since a child died of measles in Ontario Canada recently, my whole family has been on an RFK Jr. bashing fest on our shared WhatsApp group. I'm glad to finally have a CNN-based article that they MIGHT take the time to listen to. I'm sick and tired of the one-sided negative articles and other media. If anyone has any details about the death of the Ontario child that may or may not disprove that he was unvaccinated or give some other insight into why he died, I would appreciate it if you would share it with me. Thanks!
Hey Dawn, I'll be curious to hear how your family responds to this CNN video, if they take the time to watch it. I didn't hear about the child who died in Ontario. I have been staying far, far away from the news for the most part. But I wonder if you share this article with them, that shows that vaccinated children can and do also get the measles (sometimes very severe cases...):
I agree that for this agenda to work. Everyone is to be oblivious to the harm that is being done to the public via corrupt governments, multinational corporations, and the ngo machine.
I think it goes beyond research and evidence . Of course it does, because logic points to the same conclusion that intuition has found out before any evidence was known as fact . This is something to celebrate in the face of all the rest
Super clip and go MOMS!!!
Two things that the poisoning of America accomplishes. Endless sickness and disease that enables big pharma to market endless drugs that are believed to fix the issues and really make them worse. Then finally your eventual death by poison which fits gates's and the WEF's mandates of eliminating 90% of humans to be replaced by A/I bio-humans.
I can't quite bring myself to hit the "like" button on this comment. But, sad sigh, I think you are right.