Sep 1Liked by Jennifer Margulis

I’m definitely going to buy the book. Sounds like it’s right up my alley! Thanks

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Heya EK, I'm glad the book sounds interesting! Check back and let us know what you think once you've read it. (If you remember.) Emma also has a fabulous Substack, which is here: https://emmatekstra.substack.com

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Thanks for the link! I’ll try to remember to report back…you apparently understand how the mind works 😁

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Sep 2Liked by Jennifer Margulis

..."We need to shift our thinking and learn to make choices that benefit our bodies, not just line the pockets of Big pHARMa’s fat cats."...I would say we should never line the pockets of big pharma. Drugs are all about the destruction of health in a human, never about building it up. I will look into buying this book because I do not trust any doctor to do right by my health as I age. Thanks for the article.

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Exactly. I wanted to help you educate yourself so you can use doctors (sparingly) for what they are good at and handle the rest on your own. I hope you find it helpful!

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Sep 2Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Hi Jennifer!

When I click on the title, I am directed to Amazon for the purchase. Is this the best way to buy it?

I want to be sure the author is compensated!

Looking forward to reading this!

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Hey Laura. Amazon does not discount author royalties even when their books are heavily discounted so buying from Amazon helps authors. I used to really urge everyone to order from their local independent bookstore, even though it costs more. Then the local bookstores started checking vaccination cards and not allowing naked-faced people inside their hallowed doors. Now I don't know what to recommend. But rest assured that your purchase will benefit the author, eventually anyway, no matter where you buy the book from. xo

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Sep 3Liked by Jennifer Margulis

Hey Laura, thanks so much! I'm always open to supporting other options besides Amazon (Tertulia.com is an interesting new entrant, you can get a discount if you sign up for a membership and if you don't like it you can cancel later). Please let me know what you think and an online review would be greatly appreciated! :-)

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Sep 2Liked by Jennifer Margulis

It looks "delicious"! And a wonderful read. Thanks, once again, for informing us in the best ways. I am glad the world is waking up and that more and more people are learning/yearning to think for themselves when it comes to our health. I always look forward to your articles to help us do that.

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Thanks for reading, Miss Judy, and for your kind words. Much appreciated, as always. xoxo

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"trust in the medical profession is at an all-time low."

Actuarially considered, to what degree is the correlation with private practices forced into bankruptcy and physicians indentured to corporate servitude, spurious?

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Thanks for the heads up, Jennifer.

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